Dave Tang <d.t...@imb.uq.edu.au> asked:

> my %result = ();
> foreach my $parent (keys %listOfParent){
>     my $chocolate = '';
>     foreach my $child (keys %{$listOfParent}{$parent}){
>        foreach ($listOfParent{$parent}{$child}){
>           $chocolate = $_;

Why not "foreach my $chocolate ($listOfParent{$parent}{$child}){"?

>           if (exists $result{$parent}{$chocolate}){
>              $result{$parent}{$chocolate}++;
>           } else {
>              $result{$parent}{$chocolate} = '1';
>           }

You can just say "$result{$parent}{$chocolate}++;" - non-existing keys will be 
created automagically.

If you don't need to know which child likes which chocolate later on, I would 
not bother with tracking that data. Just add the preference to the parents data 
while you're reading it from file.


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