John Bruin <> asked:
> I have inherited a Perl script which sends and parses email. I
> am having trouble trying to figure out what the "-oi" and
> "-oem" arguments do in the sub below. Can anyone help?

"-oe<mode>" sets the ErrorMode.


  Set error processing to mode x. Valid modes are `m' to mail
  back the error message, `w' to ``write'' back the error mes-
  sage (or mail it back if the sender is not logged in), `p' to
  print the errors on the terminal (default), `q' to throw away
  error messages (only exit status is returned), and `e' to do
  special processing for the BerkNet.  If the text of the mes-
  sage is not mailed back by modes `m' or `w' and if the sender
  is local to this machine, a copy of the message is appended
   to the file dead.letter in the sender's home directory.

And of course that's not a Perl question. The Perl question probably should be 
about how you can make your inherited code better.

While TIMTOWTDI, I would like to suggest using MIME::Lite for building and 
sending mails - see


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