I am having problems with GD-2.16 and I have been Google'ing for a while now
without finding anything that applies to my problem.

I have solved the first hurdle I had with undefined symbol: libiconv. Seems
that libiconv should be compiled with '--without-libiconv-prefix' or else
gdlib-config --libs reports /usr/lib/libiconv.so instead of -liconv. Now I
don't get the same errors, but when I run 'make test TEST_VERBOSE=1' I get:

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
ok 1
not ok 2
not ok 3
not ok 4
not ok 5
not ok 6
not ok 7
ok 8 # Skip, FreeType changes too frequently to be testable
not ok 9
not ok 10
FAILED tests 2-7, 9-10
Failed 8/10 tests, 20.00% okay (less 1 skipped test: 1 okay, 10.00%)
# Running under perl version 5.008004 for linux
# Current time local: Thu Aug 12 00:19:31 2004
# Current time GMT: Wed Aug 11 22:19:31 2004
# Using Test.pm version 1.24
ok 1
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/GD.t 10 8 80.00% 2-7 9-10
1 subtest skipped.

Is this serious enough to make GD not work?

BTW, I am using:
Slackware 9.1 with kernel 2.6.7
Perl 5.8.4
and I have all the prerequisites for building GD from source.

Flemming Greve Skovengaard           FAITH, n.
a.k.a Greven, TuxPower                   Belief without evidence in what is told
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              by one who speaks without knowledge,
4112.38 BogoMIPS                         of things without parallel.

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