There's probably a really simple answer to this one. 
I'm trying to find multiple matches to a regex within
a file, replace them, and save in another file...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
open(INFILE, "<") or die("Couldn't open input
open(OUTFILE, ">") or die("Couldn't open output
# Should match H, E, and R
    my @matches = m/([A-Z])[A-Z]{2,}/;
    print "@matches\n";

The input file contains: 


The output I'm getting is H and R, never E.  It
appears as though either I'm only getting the first
match it finds per line (I think adding g should fix
this but it doesn't in this case) or since the first
match is 'HEL', that leaves 'Lo' for the second match,
which fails.  So basically, I need the second match to
be 'ELL'.  I always thought regexes walked through the
string char by char.  So what am I doing wrong here? 
Thanks.  ~Frank

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