I am a relatively new Berner owner.  My husband and I rescued a female eight
month old BMD in April, her name is Stella. She is a very sweet dog that we
think - don't really know the history - was neglected/abused - more
neglected than abused.  She was frightened of Scott (being a tall dark
haired male) but is now very attached to him.

Last week we took her to the doggie eye doctor to find out what was going on
with her VERY red eyes as the vet was not able to control it with eye
drops - it was first diagnosed as conjunctivitis and when we took her to the
specialist he said that we would never have been able to correct the problem
so she had to under go a "procedure" they put her under and scraped the
infection from under her third eyelid.  She looks much better now but we
have to keep putting eye drops in five times a day - this is not easy with a
very strong dog!  I also have to give her two pills twice a day -- Now comes
the problem - I was putting them in peanut butter but she must have bit into
one of the capsules because now she won't take the peanut butter from me
anymore.  What else can I put them in to make her swallow them?  I am at a
loss.  We have to keep giving them to her for another month.

She is good with other dogs and around people too. The only problem that we
have with her is that she loves to mouth and "hold on", we think that it is
because she is insecure still, and I don't know how to stop this.  When she
starts to do it, we hold her muzzle and tell her NO but her tail is wagging
a mile a minute and she thinks it's a game, and that I am her chew toy.

Any suggestions are very welcome!

Cheers, Susan

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