
Berners are suppose to be a dry-mouthed dog.  It's up to the breeders to
chose correct breeding partners for their dogs to keep this good feature
in our future puppies.

A wet mouth comes from loose flews.  The lower lips on the sides.  If
they are loose/hanging then air gets in the mouth and stimulates the
saliva glands.  This is a different situation from a dog that is anxious
to have a treat and the saliva flows in anticipation of food.

So in looking at puppies, first look at the parents for a tight lipline
and then look at the puppies for the same.  It will not be so obvious in
a puppy but look for a saging of the lips at the sides/near the corner
of the mouth.

In almost 29 yrs I've only owned one dog with a wet mouth and there were
never strings of saliva but just a wetness to the sides of the mouth
which he loved to rub off on my clothes.  As much as I love the dog, I
hate a wet mouth.

Sandie Hawkins
Sajan (Berners/BMDCA member since 1975)

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