Hi List Mates!!!

Chaplin is so much happier and less howling from all your input.  I printed
out all your replies and the kids and I read them.  I made it like a home
work assignment. ;0)  We we're s guilty of leaving shoes around, things on
the counter.  There new assignment is called "There new baby brother"  So we
typed up rules.  No home work or books or shoes left around. You loose major
points for dirty socks!!  The list goes on and on, but they will get
rewarded.  They new from their teacher and my mom chocolate is off limits
for dogs.  The teacher lost her dog to a bar of chocolate.  The kids hid the
Halloween candy so he couldn't get to it.

I have been keeping him busy with the Kong toys (when our Lab doesn't steal
it) so now we crate  him with it and stuff it with baby carrots, or frozen
bagels. lol  Crate is in the kitchen so I can always keep an eye on him.

Thanks for the grape tip. He ate a fruit salad that had grapes in it, but he
didn't get ill. Thank goodness.

Howling was for attention, so I give him a job to do while I get my own
done.  He never howled in his crate.  He likes his flannel blankets.lol
He only howls to music if I 'm singing to the radio.lol  Guess he thinks I
lack talent!;0)

Thanks again!!!

Jen and Chaplin

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