-------Original Message-------
From: Karen Alexander
Date: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:51:22 PM
To: Berner L
Subject: Fun Survey
Have fun!
1 --- Do you live in
d) on Planet Berner
2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Clover is my 7 year old baby has always slept in the bed with me.
Hazel who is almost a year and a half, sleeps in the bath tub.
Cindy is four months old and sleeps in the crate until older.
3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Clover chews on a sterilized bone.
Hazel used to enjoy any toy I gave her.  When Cindy arrived, the puppy
became her most favorite toy.
Cindy has enjoyed all of Hazel's toys but her favorite is one I bought just
for her and its a wool sheep with a squeaker in it, her sleepy sheep.
4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is 
Clover - her patience with me over the years
Hazel - the way she wakes me up in the morning by jumping into the bed and
putting her face on mine
Cindy - her smiling eyes and friendliness
5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yes - I had Clover with me in a Honda Civic when I was in an auto accident. 
She was unhurt but I ended up having three surgeries.  I traded it for a
Honda Odessey and have never regretted it.
6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation - Clover is a Champion.
e) therapy work - Clover went to my father's nursing home and she has been
trained to be my service dog.
g) training classes - Hazel has been to obedience and we are working toward
her CGC.
h) digging to China - Hazel had slanted eyes in another life she is passing
on her skills to Cindy.
7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.....
Clover - it was so bad I had to send her back to the breeder for a few
Hazel - she is a crazy girl, full of herself on a daily basis and most of
the time she does just the opposite of what I want her to do  
Cindy - so far she is still learning her boundaries and is a good puppy but
is unfortunately closely watching Hazel's every behavior
Karen Alexander
Florida USA

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