Dear All,
my boy, Max, was diagnosed with hemangio sarcoma. He had a 
surgery, and the lump was removed. According to what the vet said to 
me, the tumor could be removed with its roots and he doesn't think 
that the cancer has spread already. I try to believe it, but I can see 
that Max is not doing well. He was VERY well after the surgery, playing 
and running around, but now he is sleeping al the time and don't even 
wants to go for a walk. Of course I consulted our vet, but he said, that 
only 1.5 month after the surgery he can't do anything, but wait. 
So my question would be, if you know about anything I could do for 
him. Any special treatment, nutrition, etc. 
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!
He is my one and only, I would do anything for him!!!
Thank you so much,
with Max & Balu

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