Dear List,
We are back!!!!!  These last two weeks without all of you have been very
long and lonely. I am so glad to be back amongst the living. Again, I need
to thank the list for all their help, care and concern. The only way that I
am able to be back on line is due to the love and generosity of the Berner
list and of course a very special someone who came to our rescue. Now, for
some information about Sweet Stevie.  Stevie is doing very well. He is
walking around the house unassisted and goes out side without his sling. He
is still a wee bit unsteady since he has started going solo, but is becoming
more and more like the old Stevie. He is eating well (however, he still
expects all of the "special" foods that he has been getting for the last 3
and a half weeks!!). His eyes have improved alot but still have a little
ways to go. We are still battling with the ear problems, but that has also
begun to improve alot more just in the last couple of days. We were to the
Vet on Tuesday, and we have started to discontinue his anti-convulsant
medication and this will take approx. 10 days, and we are hoping and praying
that there will be no further seizure activity and then that too will be
done!! The vets are absolutely delighted with Stevie's progress and feel
that he will more than likely make a full recovery.  Those were the sweetest
words that I think that I have heard in a very long time. Considering that
just a month ago the initial vets told me that he would probably need to be
euthanized and held little hope for him. They didn't know about the power of
the List, obviously!!  Between wonderful medical care, divine intervention,
a iron-willed constitution and the prayers and the positive healing from the
Berner List I do not think that the outcome would have been favourable at
all.!! Stevie seems happy and content now, but is still very clingy to me,
but I don't mind that at all!!. I have not been able to read up all the
goings on on the list, but if anyone who had been emailing us privately
wants to resume please FEEL FREE!!!! This two week absence has certainly
affirmed in me why this list is so important and such a huge part of our
lives. By the way, I received my "winnings" from the raffle the other day
and was thrilled to get something in the mail, so to the lovely and generous
person who bought all those tickets, Thank you so much, it really made our
day!! We have missed you all so much. Big huge Berner hugs and gentle kisses
to all.
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

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