Last Wednesday, the 16th July, 2003, I lay my beautiful lady, "Lace" to
rest, under the Eucalypt trees and the spreading Jacaranda tree, that my
husband Wayne and I planted, some 15 or so years ago.
Lace rests now peacefully, in the cool damp red earth that holds so many of
her family and relations.
Our beloved Bernese family graveyard.
Lace joins her mother Fanta, who we buried almost one year ago on the
17/8/02.  Lace also joins her grandmother Blaschen and great grandmother
I find comfort in the knowledge that Lace`s legacy lives on with us, in her
spunky daughter Essie and gentle grand daughter, Wendy.

" In his own time and Infinite Wisdom,
God gathers each link, until a family chain becomes complete again."

Lay Lady Lace.
(Ch. Zeigen Lacewings N Orbit)

Luv Kim

"ZEIGEN"- (Est. 1973)
54 Boundary Street South,
Toowoomba, Queensland. 4350.

Ph/Fax:  0011- 61- 7 4630 1932
(Bernese Mountain Dogs since 1984).

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