Hi Suzanne,
Its not uncommon for puppies to have diarrhea and for a variety of reasons.
If it's just soft somewhat sloppy loose stools this can be from
overfeeding, take a sample to the vet for a fecal float to rule out
intestinal parasites and they may recommend you worm him either way as
parasites are not always easily identified. Rest his system for at least 12
hours and feed a mixture of boiled lean hamburger (skim the excess fat) and
overcooked white rice for a few days and slowly integrate his normal
ration. If kibble this is easily done, if feeding natural you will have to
reevaluate the ingredients of his diet and limit those items that may cause
looseness. If there is blood or heavy mucus in the stools you should
consult your vet for guidance.

A common mistake many make is the feeding of inappropriate treats and/or
too many. Rawhides, pigs' ears, bullies and chewie hooves can cause dietary
upset for some puppies and IMO belong in the garbage. Too much marrow in a
bone can be too rich for a puppy and it is best to scoop some out to reduce
the amount eaten, appropriate bones are good for a puppy. Be sure other
family members are not giving too many treats, if this is a problem set
aside a jar with a portion of kibble and a few dog cookies in it and tell
children that this is the daily treat jar and when it's gone that is it for
puppy. Berners are very good at "working the crowd" for food:-)

If the problem is not resolved quickly then consult with your veterinarian.


ps don't forget to sign your posts or the list police will arrest you:-)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: June 10, 2003 2:05 PM
Subject: Diarrhea

My 4 month old Bernie has loose stools and wakes me up at night to go
outside.  What does one do for diarrhea?

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