Forwarded for Marilyn!

Hello from Star and Marilynn,

(I have added .... to v.i.r.u.s to try and get past the filters.... Pat:
would you please send in plain text to the L for me?)

When I logged in this morning to get my emails I realized that I was
getting "undeliverable" emails back from people I didn't know...  I had
updated my v.i.r.u.s. protection both a few days ago and again last
night so found this surprising.  I had done a full scan a few days ago
plus each email is checked prior to my opening and any files attached
are left out on my ISP server until I decide I want to pull them to my
computer....  Even so I started another full scan this morning and I am

Just before leaving work today I received an email from out Network
Security area.  I have only included the first part of the information
(to avoid the length restriction on the Berner-L) and have bolded the
part about the sender's email address is not the person who's computer
actually sent it as that will hopefully save us some "PLEASE update your
protection" emails to people who are just as much a victim as those
receiving the emails.

From:  Corporate Information Security

        Central Support is receiving many phone calls from users who
        received emails that appear to be related to the Sobig.F
v.i.r.u.s.  This
        virus arrives in e-mail and includes a variety of subject lines,
        including "Your details," "Thank you!," "Your application" and
        screensaver."  When the .pif or .scr attachment is opened,
        infects the computer and sends itself on to other victims using
        random e-mail address from the address book.

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