Hi Audrey,
It is certainly a situation that many of us have faced at one time or
another so you are not alone. You need to consult with a board certified
orthopedic specialist about the latest options available to you. The
procedure of removing the femoral head is generally not done these days on
large breed dogs particularly if it involves both hips. Many people opt for
pain management control using anti-inflammatory drugs and supplementing the
dogs diet with glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate, Cartrophen
injections may help as well. Specific anti-inflammatories are designed for
dogs and these days we are fortunate that we don't have to use aspirin and
ibuprofen as these can cause stomach ulceration over long term use. It is
very important that your dog not be overweight and lean would be good,
swimming is a useful exercise option and allowing the dog free exercise is
good, leash walks should be kept short and frequent rather than one long
hike. I would suggest you have your dog's elbows and shoulders xrayed as
well as in some cases of severe pain the dog moves with compromise and
these joints can incur damage and of course the elbows can have their own
problems separate from the hips. Total hip replacement is a very expensive
procedure and not one I have had to have done at this time, I do know of a
Samoyed who had one hip done and the stability in that one hip was to
support the lesser affected hip on the otherside. His owner told me that he
had to wait until his dog was full grown. It is also important that your
dog not lie too long on cold damp surfaces and that he has good traction in
the home and not sliding about on slippery floors.

It is very important to check out your dog's conformation and stability and
health of other joint groups before subjecting to surgery.

Rose T.
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Seiler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 9, 2003 12:06 AM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: Input needed- Hip Dysplasia

Hi all,
I have a wonderful berner male named Orion, he's the first berner that I
have had the pleasure of owning. From the time of about his first birthday,
I had noticed an occasional mild limp when he walked. Of course the first
few times I took him to the vet just to be checked out, but they were
confident everything seemed to be ok. Then about 2 1/2 months ago, I woke
up to find him having trouble walking at all. I was very alarmed and got
him in to see the vet as soon as I could. Well we x-rayed, my vet told me
that his hips looked bad and left it at that because I wanted/needed to
send the x-ray to the OFA.
    The OFA's finding is that my 18 month old puppy has moderate hip
dysplasia with subluxation and remodeling of femoral head/neck present. I
was stunned, because he just has not let it slow him down. So except for
the occasional few bad days, you would think that he is fine.
    If anyone has had any experience with this it would be appreciated if
they could give me some advice, or just let me know what was done and how
that has worked out. My vet thinks that his only options are total hip
replacement for both sides or femoral head and neck excision. I just don't
know what to have done to him.
Audrey and Orion

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