Hi Tami,
I would suggest you have the albumen levels checked again and if they are
low again then you might want to investigate the possibility of
eosiniphilic (sp) gastroenteritis (given your comment about diarrhea
occurences), this is an immune mediated condition whereby the lining of the
intestine is deteriorating and not able to absorb the nutrient levels to
sustain normal blood values. If the albumen continue to lower the venal
system can become severely compromised. This may be a factor in the fluid
buildup in her legs as her lymphactic system fails to drain. My old girl
Lily had this condition though we had no swelling as you described, we
controlled her condition with doses of prednisone and it helped curb the
diarrhea. There is no cure for this disease process but it can be
controlled for a while with prednisone.
I have a mild problem with lymphedema and there is a massage technique
where I raise my arm and gently stroke from wrist to shoulder and armpit
and across and down my chest. A dog massage therapist would be able to help
you with the correct techniques for your dog but encouraging her to rest on
her back with her paws raised might help with fluid drainage.

Investigate her blood values again and consider an endoscopic biopsy of her
gut to confirm her bowel health.

All the best:-)

Rose T.

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