Another Monty adventure!

Bang, bang, bangity, bang!  One would think the storm door would be
broken by now... it's dinner time.... No, it's 2 hours before
dinnertime, but Monty is hungry.  He's always hungry.  "Hey, Dad, fix
dinner, huh?"

At the computer, Dick realizes that if he sets up the supplements now,
he can stretch his legs at the same time... he doles out the E, C, fish
oil caps, etc. into the dishes... Monty puts his paws on the counter to
supervise... "Off, Monty, you gotta wait"  He moves one paw off, then
drops down where he belongs along side Allegra.  Everything else is
ready in the fridge.  Dick goes back to the computer.

The bowl is near the edge.... All by itself, it rocks... tippy, tippy...
well, maybe it had a little help with a paw ;-))

"MON-TEEEEEEE!!!!!!"  the den windows rattle as an echo to the clang of
the dish hitting the floor... only the second time this month.  Feed 'em
early and be done with it.

A couple hours later I get home from work.  I look over the picket fence
into the very cluttered yard.  Shredded box pieces, bits of egg carton,
squeaky toys, holes.  Our yard is the neighborhood's worst.  Allegra and
Monty are greeting me as if on pogo sticks.  'Legra's eyes barely peep
over, but Mont-ster could easily clear the fence if he put a mind to it.

I spot something that doesn't belong.  It's the blood pressure monitor.
That means that Dick spent more time on the computer than paying
attention to the dogs... retaliation!  It's not harmed.  Ah! there's a
kitchen sponge too... uh, it's a half of a kitchen sponge.  I wonder
where the other half went.  OK, then, Monty, what ARE you guarding, the

He is back to his "treasure", now that he's got me in the yard.  I go
over to see, and perhaps retrieve the other half of my sponge.  It's
black, it's soggy, it's moving!  It squeaks.  Monty mouths a poor
frightened mouse, keeping it away from me. "Good, mousie," I say, not
wanting him to crunch and run with it.  He puts it down, places a paw
firmly on it and grins up at me, wagging.  Allegra takes a step closer
and Monty grabs the mouse and runs to the other side of the yard.

I guess that's dessert in the BARF diet!

Pamela and Dick with Allegra ("if what you want lies buried, dig until
find it")
 and Monty ("No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the
guilt thing and right back and make friends")

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