
Be careful when reading these types of articles and remember that they are
talking in averages. Your average dog maybe lives to twelve years, middle
height and middle size with just the basics of problems. NOW let us
consider the Bernese, much as I love the breed the big health issues that
can quickly bankrupt an owner are hip and elbow dysplasia, sock eating with
resulting intersusception of the bowel, bloat with torsion, ACL stifle
injuries, and cancer.

Whether to buy or not to buy insurance is like playing Russian Roulette,
just as with our health plans if we grow old with no health concerns and
die in our sleep one night then those premiums are lost. BUT one big health
issue and at least you don't have to scurry around to see if you can afford

Murphy's Law:-) If you have it you don't need it and if you need it you
don't have it!

As a breeder I strongly recommend my buyers invest in insurance, not
because I anticipate health problems but it provides a cushion of financial
comfort if the need arises.  With a good plan one doesn't have to go cheap
on veterinary care.

Rose T.

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