
"Fear biting" is not necessarily something that always goes along with
fearfulness or shyness. I have a pathologically shy Rescue Berner
(Shadow) who is very timid around people, and in the house, but is much
more comfortable outside and with other dogs. And he's not particularly
"mouthy" so biting is not his first response - freezing or fleeing are
his coping mechanisms.

Several factors may be contributing to your boy's reluctance to
participate in puppy play session. He may feel overwhelmed in a group.
Has your trainer tried to have more than one play group going? She might
try having him play one-on-one with a dog that is gentler or more his
speed in terms of playfulness. Some pups can really benefit from
one-on-one play (my Mickey was similar - with people he was a
super-sweetie and very outgoing but he hid under the chairs for the
first 3 or 4 weeks of puppy K. To this day he prefers one-on-one play to
those multi-pup pile-ups that Labs seems to love)

When he exhibits this " cowering" does he come up to you for
reassurance? And do you give it to him? This comforting may actually be
reinforcing his timidity. As hard as it may be for you to resist, it is
important not to give him such reinforcement. When I assist at our
training classes, I frequently tell the owners to ignore their dogs and
then I will toss treats to the "shy" ones when they are out observing
the play session  and esp. if they try to investigate or greet the other
pups. This can be helpful too.

Dogs all have "breed personalities" and individual personalities. He may
need to find just the right friend to "click" with. Does he get much
dog-dog interaction outside of puppy class? And have you considered
bringing him to class early so that he can investigate the building
alone? Sometimes this can help a dog feel more settled when s/he has a
good sense of what's where, etc.

You don't describe this other class that your trainer is recommending --
can you tell us any more about it? I know that many other folks on the
List have experience with shyness and training issues and the more
information you can give about behaviors and specific instances will
help us to help you.

Good luck and let us know how your little guy is doing

Catherine Young
Madison WI
Shadow, Mickey and Jenny (BMD)
Max and Emily (cats.....)

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