First let me say, that here in NC we have watched this horrific story from day one! 
This family lives just over the hills from us (Saluda, NC) and our hearts go out to 
them as they lost their beloved pet in a botched up arrest!

It our conclusion that you cannot take the actions of one police officer who was ill 
advised and untrained in situations such as this and judge ALL police officers!
This officer should be reprimanded and retrained by the academy!
AND, then maybe he will be able to defend our public and our animals with the proper 
actions! If not...he is in the wrong job!

My husband is a retired law enforement officer of 25 yrs and has come across this type 
of situation in which there was a dog involved.
Acting in haste is wrong.....using your head and correct judgement is right!

This one officer apologized on TV to the family and stated," he thought it was a 
pitbull that was going to attack him".
Well, anybody who watched this and has an understanding of dogs, knows he alone, acted 

Just my two cents worth,
Carol Slider in NC

> ------------------------------
> From: "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Tennessee Police
> Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 10:43:36 -0500
> I saw a writeup of this story. ....the family was pulled over, the people were 
>pulled out of the car and handcuffed. They begged the officers to close the car door 
>so the dogs wouldn't escape, the one dog jumped out and trotted around to the officer 
>- who shot the Bulldog as it "viciously attacked him." The video from the police
> car supports the fact that the police were asked to close the door, and shows the 
>friendly family dog trotting over to the police officer. It's all under 
>investigation, but it sounds like the police wretchedly mishandled the whole 
>incident. The family of four -husband and wife and two kids - are understandably 
> Makes me want to avoid Tennessee, which is a real shame!
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 08:50:19 -0700
> From: "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: police WHAT?
> I do not know the details of what happened in Tennessee -- none of us do since we 
>were not there. I am sure that if you did some checking with the television station 
>you could find out where to send your remarks. However, my intention in writing is to 
>take strong exception to your statement "It was the most awful example of police
> stupidity!"
> There are many sides to a story, and I believe it is important to understand them 
>before leaping to conclusions. Further, to use one side of one case and suggest it 
>illustrates "police stupidity" is unfair and unkind.
> My husband is in law enforcement. I watch him put on his bullet proof vest in the 
>mornings,...........Mary-Ann Bowman

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