At 07:43 PM 9/6/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Hey gurl

Thank you so much for calling today.....


Hi Cathi,
It was nice to visit for a little while. Always nice to hear in person how things are going.
I hope you don't mind me sending this on to the berner-l also. It is simply my interpretation after
reading Kessel's posts you sent.

To be honest with you, these posts are so absurd, they made me laugh!
We all, from the berner-l, have ALWAYS shown kindness and compassion for each other.
What this individual said was so far out there and so off colour compared to who we are on the list and
what we stand for, I found myself chuckling. Sorry for the opposite reaction of being fired up
and angry like everyone else, I thought the post so 'OFF', it was absurdly STUPID and BAZAAR!!
Hey, whatever floats one's boat. Not one of us agree with this individual and I feel no harm done here
because if anything, everyone simply set out to prove him/her WRONG! Ha!! This is simply my
'educated' opinion as I've been on this list and have been graciously supported by it for over
4 years!

Hey Kessel, if you're still lurking, 'Thank YOU for reminding us how loving and compassionate we are
collectively on our beloved Berner-l" :o)

Love from us Cathi,  give Ari and Bacchus lots of snuggles.
Please keep us all updated on how Ari is doing and what you find out
in regards to Bacchus, we will all be here waiting.

Karen, Angel & Amika

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