Dear List,
Well we made our way to the vet today. Stevie has had kind of a rough couple
of days. Very staggery and shaky last evening, some vomiting and his spirits
seemed to be quite low.  Especially today, after a thorough exam, blood work
and chest films, they could not come up with a definitive diagnosis.  We are
going to start to reduce his steroids and he has only two more days to
finish up the discontinuance of his Phenobarb. They are questioning as to
whether he is perhaps suffering from a sort of Post-Traumatic Stress
Syndrome. They want us to increase his out going activity and try to
stimulate him more. They think that he would benefit from some other "canine
company" as well. He has been rather "sheltered" in that department for
sure. So perhaps for some short periods of time at first and we will see how
it goes. This just reinforces my decision to eventually get a companion for
Stevie, (of course I would love to have another Berner and I definitely
think that both Stevie and I have enough love and devotion to share!) but
that would be down the road a ways. So my oldest son is going to bring his
big girl over (Mika and Stevie are wonderful buddies and always have been )
I hope that this will help bring Stevie out of his funk. I hate to see him
this way after coming so far. The original vet that we first saw was there
today and was absolutely flabbergasted to see Sweet Stevie looking as good
as he is. He said, "I wouldn't have bet two cents on that dogs life that
afternoon". He apologized for being so hasty in discussing euthanasia but he
felt at the time that it would be the only humane thing to do. Of course he
knew about the medical treatment that we sought out, but I told him about
the power of the "List" he was genuinely impressed especially when I told
him just how many people that I knew of who were pulling for Stevie and the
countless others that we didn't know about. He thoroughly and completely
pleased that I went against his suggestion, he gave us a big hug and
admitted that he was only human and like the rest of us he makes mistakes
and misjudgments. I felt better after our conversation as I had indeed felt
some animosity at the time for sure.
So if anyone has any further suggestions for my beloved boy I would welcome
them greatly. Thanks again in advance.
Big Berner Hugs and gentle Kisses
Karen and Stevie

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