As Joye mentioned, Karen Connors is our own very special Angel Lady. For
those of you who know someone who needs a Berner Angel Pin, you can
contact Karen to let her know, and she'll send it out. It's her legacy
to her Britney, or rather Britney's legacy to us all. And Britney has
touched a great many of us.

Karen has done this all on her own, at her own expense. She won't take a
penny for it. BUT. It adds up - as you can imagine. I happen to know
where she gets her angel pins, and our very own Joye Neff is the person
who gets those pins for Karen wholesale. Joye keeps an Angel Fund for
anyone that wants to contribute. I don't actually know of anyone who has
contributed to it, but I have heard that Karen is getting a good many
more angel pins than she expected to... So to all of you who help keep
our own Angel Lady in pins - THANK YOU ALL!!! I'm sorry to say that I
help keep her busy with names of people who need pins.

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

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