Everything is fine. But late this morning Ari didn't look right. Didn't want
to stand, when she did she was roach-backed, stiff legged, tail tucked. Temp
was elevated. I called the emergency vets and they said bring her in just to
make sure.

Of course, when we got there she was wagging her tail saying hello......they
are so wonderful there. They looked her over, but said they expected a bit
of WMS [worried mother syndrome].

Then they told me how tickled they are by the people calling for Ari.
Evidently now, after taking a call, the receptionist goes into the back and
announces "I just got a call from ____" [fill in location]. And they are all
just blown away. She told me she got tears in her eyes yesterday.

And this is without including the wonderful people who are sending help by
mail. Wait till they see that.

Thanks again a million times over for everyones prayers, support,
suggestions, and help with her bills. You are not just affecting me and the
babies.....but an entire emergency clinic is overwhelmed by the generosity
of the berner community.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

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