ANOTHER piece of GOOD NEWS!! :-)))
Karen Pickle has so kindly added two more pages to the 'gurl's' website!! :-)))
I wish I could take credit for this site, but, it's Karen's doing!! I just take the
photographs and Karen does the rest! Lucky, ain't I!! Ha!! ;-)) I can't even say
the joy I get from this site, I get to watch my girls grow up right before my eyes,
any time I like! :-)) THANKYOU KAREN!!! You're a PRIZE!! :-D!
OK....the two new pages are under 'Forever Friends' but, here are the urls too:

The girls are all grown up now, Angel is almost 4!!!.....Amika just turned 2!! UGH.....
I'm thinkin it's puppy!! LOL!!! Tim says, 'NOT!!'......we'll see.........;-)

Off topic but important too....;-).....if you would like to see my WONDERFUL
new Wedding website, that Peg McQueary has created, here's that too....nothin
like a bit of free advertizen! :) A friend if mine is going to put on her wedding
dress and pose with Angel and Amika, in the Spring!! So......check back! :-))

Take care!
Hugs and lots of love from the three of us,
Karen, Angel and Amika :-)

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