I had a similar experience last week and can emphasize the need for an I.D.
Han and I have been traveling between Gainesville Fl and Atlanta on a much
too regular basis helping my mother move to the other side of town.  I had
misplaced Han's rabies tag, and he had just been microchipped (not
registered yet) but I had ordered an ID tag with both home and cell numbers
on it and had just installed it on his collar before the last trip.  The new
house has a tiny stretch of dirt in back surrounded by walls and fence and I
had let him out there while I enjoyed a second cup of coffee (I had put him
there before but didn't realize that the termite inspectors had not secured
the gate).  My peace was interrupted by a signal that I had voice mail and
my heart stopped when a voice said " I have your dog Han, he was at my front
door".   He was right down the street in a small kennel (Mom I was locked
up!!) but it could have been so much worse.  She lives near some very busy
streets.  Thank goodness that my numbers were right there easy to read and
the neighbor was nice enough to take the trouble to shut up Han and call me
(they have dachunds).

Beverly Arnold
Gainesville Fl

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