-----Original Message-----
From: K Madan Mohan [mailto:ma...@bhelhyd.co.in] 
Sent: 13 February 2012 07:42

Subject: FW: Modern business

In simplistic terms, the attachment explains modern day economics, which
sometimes tend to rely more on derived ( and hence susceptible to
manipulation by smart operators ) factors rather than primary factors
driving the economy.

More worrisome trend nowadays is that these smart operators have become the
anchormen for the politicians. The greed of such a powerful combination is
destroying the faith of common man in the system at an alarming rate. One
shudders to think of the day when this lack of faith in the system becomes

This sinking feeling of worry was one which I felt when my younger son
dragged me last week to watch the latest block-buster Telugu movie 'The
Businessman'. The explicit and very vocal theme of the movie is to exhort
youth to do whatever they feel like and whichever way they want to do it.
Morals and methods are only for books and fools. And the movie has become
such a craze amongst the younger generation !

- Madan Mohan K.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vasudev C [mailto:vasu...@bhelhyd.co.in]
Sent: 11 February 2012 12:21
To: Visweswara Rao Kone; Madan Mohan K; Aneel Kumar K; B.G.Gadhawe; Santosh
Kumar T
Subject: Modern business

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