-------- Original Message -------- 


Fw: coffee; worth reading it


Fri, 20 Mar 2009 10:05:02 +0530



Forwarded by YS GUPTA/Ramagundam/NTPC/IN on 03/20/2009 10:04 AM:

>Received from a pal..........
>I've been questioned about this particular subject  over
>and over so it's time  to talk about it.
>It's coffee.
>Now, I know you coffee drinkers LOVE  your coffee.  I did
>too--I drank it for about 30 years.   As much as 8 cups a
>day...and I enjoyed every single  drop.
>Coffee has  become BIG business.
>You can't walk down a street, in a  mall or through an
>airport without smelling that familiar roasty,  toasty smell.
>Millions of people can't even fathom  being able to
>function without that first-thing-in-the-morning cup  of
>I know I used to be in a sulky cloud  until I took those
>first few sips.  Then the cloud would lift  and I would come
>to life.
>People ask me every day (with their  fingers crossed) if
>drinking coffee is OK with their stomach  issues.
>As much  as I'd like to be able to say yes, the answer  is
>Here's why.
>pH of  coffee
>Coffee is by far one of THE most  unhealthy, acidic liquids
>you can drink.  It ranks just below  soda in terms of
>harmfulness to your body.
>Coffee has a pH of 5 -- meaning  HIGHLY acidic.  (Pure acid
>is 0, neutral is 7 and pure alkaline  is 14.)
>Coffee  is slightly MORE acidic than acid rain, which has a
>pH of 5.2, to  give you some perspective on what you're
>putting into your precious  vessel.
>Acidity  in the body
>Our bodies are meant to have a  slightly alkaline pH
>(around 7.365), so you can see what coffee does  for you
>Being in a state of acidity (called  acidosis) causes pain,
>disease and inflammation throughout your  body.
>When  you're acidic, your body cannot heal properly.  It
>can't use  vitamins and minerals, no matter how many
>supplements you chug, and  it ends up expending its own
>minerals (including calcium from your  bones and teeth) to
>neutralize the acid in your  blood.
>That's  why the U.S. has one of the highest rates of
>osteoporosis.   We're not lacking calcium--we're too acidic.
>And coffee is a  big, BIG reason.
>And tumors of all kinds (including  cancer) thrive in an
>acid environment...but they cannot survive in  an alkaline
>environment.  This has been proven time and again  in labs
>around the world.
>The  caffeine concern
>Coffee is also loaded with caffeine  (I'll address decaf in
>a minute), which is an addictive drug that  leads to both
>physical and psychological  dependence.
>It  stimulates the central nervous system much like
>snorting cocaine,  and can lead to high blood pressure,
>birth defects, kidney failure,  diabetes, gastric ulcers
>pancreatic cancer, restlessness and stomach  upset.
>What  happens after you drink  coffee
>It takes one cup of coffee 24 hours  to pass through the
>kidneys and the urinary tract.  24  hours!
>Drinking  more than one cup in 24 hours stresses your
>kidneys like little else  in the process of filtering all of
>that acid and dumping it into the  urine.
>If you're  someone who drinks coffee all day long, I hate
>to say it, but you're  setting yourself up to be a dialysis
>candidate at some  point.
>Drinking  coffee with a meal, even a correctly combined,
>highly alkaline meal,  makes the meal acidic and causes poor
>digestion (and LOTS of  heartburn).
>Plus  your poorly digested meal doesn't pass through the
>intestines very  well either.  (Can you say constipation?
>And maybe  diverticulitis down the road as a result?)
>Decaf?   So what?
>If you're a decaf drinker, don't be  fooled into thinking
>you're safe.  Decaffeinated coffee is no  better.
>You  might not have the caffeine concern, but the acidity
>is still  exactly the same.
>And highly caustic chemical solvents  are often used in the
>decaffeinating process.  Even though the  coffee industry
>assures people that the chance of remaining solvent  in the
>coffee is miniscule if any, it's still a processed  product
>and there is still a risk.
>So  what to do now?
>The ideal way to go would be to swear  off coffee
>I did, and I've never regretted it  for a minute.
>But I do realize it's difficult, so  at least strive to cut
>down to one cup a day, then wean yourself off  if possible.
>Definitely avoid drinking coffee with  meals.
>And try  to not add cream or sugar--they both make the
>coffee even more  acidic.
>Try  substituting herbal teas--they come in a wide range of
>flavors and  are delicious.  Celestial Seasonings and
>Traditional Medicinals  are both good brands.
>Good luck getting over the coffee  kick--believe me, there
>is life after coffee, and your body says  thank you when you
>give it up for good.
>To your health,
>Sherry Brescia
>PS: Clemen is glad she gave up coffee  (and discovered
>Great Taste No Pain  <http://greattastenopain.com/great.asp> 
>Dear Sherry,
>I think about you very often,  sometimes I do it at loud
>and I say: Bless her Lord.  Then my  husband asks me, "What
>did you say?" and I respond, "I was sending  blessings to
>I'm in my second month of following  your program and once
>in a while I still can't believe my problem is  going
>away...almost gone.
>I am becoming more regular with my  bowel movements.  I am
>astonished if not in shock, because  after suffering for
>years of such an agonizing daily IBS problem and  what was
>worse, thinking it was part of my every day life  problem
>and with no cure!
>My husband is now bragging that his  wife is saving him
>money on medicines...and he says laughing,  believe or not,
>on toilet paper too!
>I have diminished or stopped taking  some food and drinks
>that contain a lot of acidity.  It wasn't  easy at first,
>however I am discovering that I can enjoy so much  good and
>delicious food that I was deprived from eating  before.
>I keep  in mind what you say: Venom is venom, so I see
>those bad-for-me  foods and drinks as if they are "poison"
>to my system.   Therefore I have replaced my coffee, sodas,
>etc. with  Chamomile or other herbal tea or water, and am
>learning more and  more how to combine everything I eat.
>It is a total process of knowing  what's good for me and
>follow it through, or like you say: B+C=PAIN!   As simple as
>Sherry, the money we paid to obtain  the information and
>the cookbook it is nothing compared with the  enormous gain
>we have obtained by following your wise  instructions.
>And as I cannot pay you enough for  what you have done to
>restore my health, which is priceless, I pass  on the
>information to my friends and family so anybody  that
>suffers from these agonizing problems knows where to  get
>their own Great Taste No Pain plan.
>I also continue blessing you  everyday, knowing that the
>good Lord will reward you His  Way!
>I hope this  follow up may lift up your spirits and never
>dismay helping and  working for people like me.  Loving you
>and being grateful as  ever.
>God bless  you!
>SB:   Clemen, I love you too!  May you enjoy a happy,  long
>lifetime free of IBS and other illnesses.


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