I even suggested in a recent post to the mailing list asking, if instead of
storing the undo in memory which gets lost when blender closes, the undos
are stored on disk, thus allowing undoing even blender crashes and upon
reopen, making undo can happen.

This should be an option and not by default. In that case, the memory can
be freed to attend to other stuff a should the limit be increased.

Gigs of memory aren't as high as disks, thus saving the undo to disk will
hardly be exhausting for storage.

It looks like that message got lost.

rexford | google.com/+Nkansahrexford
On Jan 18, 2015 11:14 AM, "Knapp" <magick.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have often found that having only 64 undos is really limiting, especially
> when working on lots of little mesh changes. I think we could greatly up
> this.
> I have talked to a lot of you and have found that the undo was set at 64 a
> really long time ago because having more ate to much memory and could cause
> problems. When this was set I think my computers memory was like 2 GB but
> now it is sitting at 32 GB, a 16 times increase and of course every 14
> months this doubles.
> I see no reason not to bump this up to at least 1024 as the max, if not
> more for future computers. Users still get to set the max themselves and we
> could leave the start up value low and let users increase it as they see
> fit. Also there is a max memory limit so this should prevent problems too.
> Is this correct? Can this undo max be increased without incurring any
> problems?
> --
> Douglas E Knapp
> Creative Commons Film Group, Helping people make open source movies
> with open source software!
> http://douglas.bespin.org/CommonsFilmGroup/phpBB3/index.php
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