Hi Dalai,

please add me with this mail: nex...@gmail.com


On 25.03.20 10:45, Dalai Felinto via Bf-committers wrote:
Google sent an email yesterday with updates regarding COVID-19 and the GSoC.

* Is GSoC still happening? Yes
* Will there be any changes to the timeline? Yes
* What happens if students can't access the internet anymore? Internet
access remains a requirement to participate.

* Deadline for students proposal is the same, March 31.
* Proposal review period increased to 3 weeks (March 31 - April 20)
* Community bounding period extended to 4 weeks.

There are expecting a considerably higher number of applicants this
year. And recommend Orgs to prepare by having more backup mentors too.

Anyone who has mentored projects in the past or that is currently
active in Blender development and wants to help reviewing proposals
and mentoring projects is welcome to join. Just message me with the
email you would like to use for login.

Thank you,
Dalai Felinto - da...@blender.org - www.blender.org
Blender Development Coordinator
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