On Jan 7, 2013, at 3:28, Dr. Adam M. Goldstein PhD MSLIS wrote:

> On Dec 11, 2012, at 5:17 AM, Christiaan Hofman <cmhof...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is not consistent. Are the linked files pointing to Papers or 
>> Papers-old?
>> And what happens with your .bib file? Is it on the volume where the old 
>> Papers folder is, and where the Papers-WC will be? Is it also in the 
>> repository, or outside it?
>> If it is in the repository, than things should just work, because the 
>> relative path will always be the same.
>> Otherwise, you have to make sure that the relative path between the .bib 
>> file and the papers will remain the same. So starting from a .bib file 
>> somewhere else on the same volume, this is how it could work.
>> 0. Records are linked to files in Papers
>> 1. Make sure the .bib database is closed and saved
>> 2. Papers directory is imported in the repository
>> 3. Old Papers directory is removed (moved)
>> 4. Create a new working copy (checkout) in the old location Papers
>> 5. Open the .bib database
>> 6. The records should be linked to the new working copy in the old location, 
>> as the relative path is the same
>> 7. Make sure you save the .bib database to refresh the saved aliases (file 
>> IDs)
>> 8. If you want to put the WC somewhere else, you could *now* (after saving 
>> and closing) move the Papers to Papers-WC
>> 9. Then open the .bib database again, check the links are OK, and save it 
>> again
>> Christiaan
> I followed the steps above, or at least, tried my best.  It didn't work. The 
> papers remained linked to the directory called Papers-1 wherever I moved it.

In the above I assumed they were linked in the (old) Papers. Not some other 
place like Papers-1. If they link there, they won't be relinked to some old 
location, and there's no way to tell them to. So you need to move the folder 
where they are linked to back to the (old) location first. Or you start the 
whole thing from Papers-1.

> This, even after I deleted the preferences file, selected and re-selected 
> Papers.

Preferences, again, are completely irrelevant for this. that is *only* for 
auto-filing (looking up is not filing).

> I created a disk image and put the Papers-1 directory on it, and then ejected 
> it, so it could no longer be found. Now none of the PDF's will link to any 
> folder, including Papers-1, no matter where I move it.

Putting papers on an external volume is dangerous. You cannot just move them 
there from outside BibDesk, because then BibDesk will loose them. This is 
because the files won't be moved, but rather they're copied (you can't move 
between disks, only copy). And then both the file identity and the (absolute 
and relative) path changes, which means all links are severed. The only way you 
can do this is if you move *both* the files and the .bib file at the same time 
(with BibDesk not opening the .bib file), so that the relative paths remain the 

> Any suggestions would be helpful!
> ------------------
> Adam M. Goldstein PhD, MSLIS
> --

It is not completely clear where your setup stands at this point. I hope you 
have a backup (that works), otherwise you may not be able to get the links back.



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