hi, i have been using 1.2 with qmail-ldap for a looong time flawlessly, and i love it. but since monday i'm using 1.3.4.

i have two problems.

the first, when i try to move big mails using MUA it binc crashes:
@4000000043a18b3a387a6d6c terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
@4000000043a18b3a39090554   what():  St9bad_alloc
@4000000043a18b3b069d88ec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> authentication failed: server died by signal 6

the second, i get some mails corrupted on MUAs.
260K    cur/1089304815.R635723058M985755P26643Q33.ferrari:2,S
has an image attached, but in the middle of the enconded image the header starts again, then the image and in the middle, the header and loop.

25 parts where only 2 exist on disc (local reiserfs3), and useless data rendered on thunderbird.

anyone experiencing this issues? anything i can do to find the cause?

there is any env var i can export to get bincimap-up and bincimapd not silent on --log-type=multilog ?

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