On 13/12/12 9:46, Feng He wrote:
acl "NAMESVR" {; };

On 13.12.12 10:00, Sten Carlsen wrote:
NAMESVR is an acl, it could look like {} or {any}

Essentially it is a kind of bitmask, not a list of IPs.

options {
      directory "/var/cache/bind";
      recursion no;
      version "unknown";
      allow-transfer { NAMESVR; };
      also-notify { NAMESVR; };

All notifys must have a list of IPs, if the acl was any, you would have
to notify the full internet. The mechanism is designed to accept only a
list of IPs. It can not accept an acl.

you can define master server via masters {} directive, and use it in
also-notify {} clause.

you will just have to define two times - in both acl and masters

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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