On 18. 01. 24 19:16, Marco Davids (SIDN) via bind-users wrote:
How hard would it be to let named-compilezone keep any remarks that are present in the source file? Because now it strips them and that is problematic.

TL;DR Hard.

Why? The program reads the zone file into BIND's memory-database representation and then dumps the database back into file. The database does not even have ability to keep any of "remarks"/comments because they are useless for the server itself.

Having said that, I personally think that DNS is long overdue for a better zone transfer protocol, along with extensible zone file format. If you or someone else has an appetite to create new specification how to handle "non-DNS attributes" for individual RRs/RRsets/names then let's talk! I would love to work on that. And once comments/non-DNS attributes are first-class citizens in DNS server it will "naturally" solve the problem you are having.

Petr Špaček
Internet Systems Consortium
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