
I work for a small ISP in Sweden and we recently starting to provide IPv6 for 
customers. I have a problem thou with the reverse DNS lookups for IPv6. I don't 
have a good way of doing this, maybe someone can help.

When we deliver IPv6 service to a customer they get at least a /64, which you 
all know is A LOT of addresses. This is impossible to generate unique PTR 
records for every address. The way we solved this is to use "* PTR 
customer.domain.com." so that all addresses in the /64 will get the same 
reverse lookup. But if a customer need a unique PTR for a mailserver I cant use 
both "*PTR customer.domain.com." and " PTR 
mail.domain.com." in the same zone-file, the * will be ignored. Is this how it 
should be or am I doing it wrong?
Instead maybe Bind can dynamically generate a answer for a reverse lookup 
request instead of storing all PTRs in the zone-file?

Are there any good information, maybe RFC,  how reverse DNS should be done in 
IPv6. Then I don't mean how to register a ip6.arpa and edit your zone-file in 
bind. I mean how you solve the problem with generate 2^64 unique PTR records 
for a single customer without filling your hard drive. =)

Cheers // Mattias Andersson
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