On 2/4/2012 12:36 PM, Spain, Dr. Jeffry A. wrote:
> The BIND9.9.0rc2.zip Windows installer allows for a “Tools Only”
> installation. With this you can avoid having to enter the service
> account information that will not be needed. However, the only tools you
> get are dig.exe, nslookup.exe, and a couple of others.
> It would be nice to also include dnssec-*.exe and named-*.exe to
> facilitate DNSSEC key management and zone troubleshooting without having
> to do the full named service installation. As it stands, if you want
> these tools but don’t want to run the named service on Windows, you do
> have to do the full service installation. This includes specifying a
> service account name and password, and then unchecking “Automatic
> Startup” and “Start BIND Service After Install.”

You don't need to do an install at all for the binaries if you aren't
going to run named. You might need to run the vcredist_x86.exe to get
the Microsoft redistributable binaries for the compiler but that's all
that is really needed. Running the installer is a waste of time for
this. If it requires the service install just for the tools then that's
a bug.


> With the 9.9.0 release just around the corner, perhaps this could be
> considered for 9.9.1.
> Jeffry A. Spain
> Network Administrator
> Cincinnati Country Day School
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