
I installed a 64bit Centos 6 operating system, with Postgresql 8.4.20 x64 and 
Bind, latest 9.10 version.
I use Bind-DLZ in lots of view.

In our lab we are simulating what happens with some hundred of queries per 

I notice that, when using BIND-DLZ, some queries does not resolve for timeout 
problems; but the DB is absolutely not overload! It works perfectly.

If i try to resolve to another ip of the BIND machine (an alias ip), when the 
first returns bind resolution timeout, the other resolve perfectly without any 

If so, the DB correctly respond, but it seems to be a limit on BIND with 
DLZ(Postgres) when lots of request arrive on the same machine ip.

Anyone has met this problems?

Thank you!
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