It might not be your bug.  It might be other sites.

As was said, bind can log info that would help
explain it.

Or if the number is rising continuously, you can capture a
bunch of dns queries with tcpdump or a similar program
and look over a sample of the rejected queries.

On Jan 18, 2011, at 9:03 PM, wrote:

My zone is, and there are so many "auth queries rejected" in named.stats which was generated by "rndc stats". Could you show me some way
to debug it? Thanks.

             671834 auth queries rejected
               3003 recursive queries rejected
             685192 queries resulted in successful answer
             685891 queries resulted in authoritative answer
                676 queries resulted in nxrrset
                 23 queries resulted in NXDOMAIN
                  4 requested transfers completed
                  7 updates completed writes:

You haven't provided enough information for us to know. Have you
bothered checking logs?

Nothing special in logs from what I checked.

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