managed-keys.bind's directory problem

2009-12-09 Thread fujiwara
I'm using BIND 9.7.0b3 an DLV (dns-lookaside auto;).

The named tried to write "managed-keys.bind" file into the named's
working directory.

The current BIND 9 requires the working directory is writable by named
(From ARM). But I think the working directory should not be writable
by named and some OSs' default configuration set the working directory
not writable.

It is usable to avoid named's unknown BUG which may break the working

For example, FreeBSD changes the working directory's
owner/group/permission configured by /etc/mtree/BIND.chroot.dist and
it sets the working directory not writable by named.

I changed /etc/mtree/BIND.chroot.dist in my FreeBSD box, but I don't
like this solution.

I'm very happy if I can change the managed-keys.bind path.

>From BIND 9.7.0b3 ARM:

  In the current implementation, the managed keys database is stored
  as a master-format zone file called managed-keys.bind. When the key
  database is changed, the zone is updated. As with any other dynamic
  zone, changes will be written into a journal file,
  managed-keys.bind.jnl. They are committed to the master file as soon
  as possible afterward; in the case of the managed key database, this
  will usually occur within 30 seconds. So, whenever named is using
  automatic key maintenace, those two files can be expected to exist
  in the working directory. (For this reason among others, the working
  directory should be always be writable by named.)

  If the dnssec-lookaside option is set to auto, named will
  automatically initialize a managed key for the zone The
  key that is used to initialize the key maintenance process is built
  into named, and can be overridden from bindkeys-file.


Kazunori Fujiwara, JPRS

bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC Bogus NXDOMAIN survives authenticating RR

2009-12-09 Thread Hauke Lampe
[I finally gave up on trying to get Thunderbird *not* to wrap long
lines. Prefixing them with ">" seems to be the only way, even if confusing]

Niobos wrote:

>>> dig +dnssec
>> Even though I have added your DNSKEY as trusted key, I get SERVFAIL on
>> the first query and NXDOMAIN on the second, without BIND doing any
>> additional outgoing queries.
> This is the same behavior I'm observing.

I think I see it clearer now.

The inner workings of the NSEC/3 mechanisms are a bit of a mystery to
me, so the following is mostly based on guesswork.

Maybe I broke my test zone in a different way and that's why we don't
see the same results. Your SOA record validates, mine doesn't:

> validating @0xb91c7968: SOA: no valid signature 
> found

And there lies the problem.
The signatures on your SOA and NSEC3 records in the NXDOMAIN response
are all valid. It's their meaning, the proof of nonexistence for the
removed record, that cannot be established:

> validating @0xb4e01470: A: attempting negative 
> response validation
>   validating @0xb4e01ee0: SOA: verify rdataset 
> (keyid=33827): success
>   validating @0xb8e98b60: 
> NSEC3: verify 
> rdataset (keyid=33827): success
>   validating @0xb8e98b60: 
> NSEC3: verify 
> rdataset (keyid=33827): success
> validating @0xb4e01470: A: NSEC3 proves name 
> exists (owner) data=1
> validating @0xb4e01470: A: nonexistence 
> proof(s) not found

BIND seems to cache the validation state of the signatures, not the
failed nonexistence proof. At least it doesn't re-validate cached answers:

> client UDP request
> client using view '_default'
> client request is not signed
> client recursion available
> client query
> client query (cache) '' 
> approved
> client send
> client sendto
> client senddone
> client next
> client endrequest

So, while the first query returns SERVFAIL as expected, subsequent
responses from the cache even have the AD flag set. This is the one
thing that *really* puzzled me (otherwise I probably wouldn't have begun
looking at long debug logs ;)

> ha...@pope:~$ dig +dnssec 
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 46781
> ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 6, ADDITIONAL: 1

The response doesn't validate:

> ha...@pope:~$ dig +sigchase +trusted-key=./ 
> +dnssec 
> ;; Impossible to verify the Non-existence, the NSEC RRset can't be validated: 

I think this is a bug in BIND's resolver part. You should forward a bug
report to

Unbound returns SERVFAIL to all queries for and keeps logging the failed NSEC3 test:

> unbound: [968:0] debug: Validating a nxdomain response
> unbound: [968:0] debug: nsec3: keysize 1024 bits, max iterations 150
> unbound: [968:0] info: start nsec3 nameerror proof, zone 
> unbound: [968:0] info: ce candidate  CLASS0>
> unbound: [968:0] debug: nsec3 proveClosestEncloser: proved that qname 
> existed, bad
> unbound: [968:0] debug: nsec3 nameerror proof: failed to prove a closest 
> encloser
> unbound: [968:0] debug: NameError response failed nsec, nsec3 proof was 
> sec_status_bogus
> unbound: [968:0] info: validate(nxdomain): sec_status_bogus

> Do I understand the error correctly like this: BIND failed to prove
> the domain to be insecure, hence, the NXDOMAIN response should have a
> correct signature, hence, the response it got is bogus?

Yes, domains below a trust anchor (configured manually or through DLV)
must either be signed or proven to be insecure at the delegation point.

> What did you change for the "removed" record? Did you remove only the
> A and RRSIG? Or also the corresponding NSEC3?

I removed A and RRSIG only.

Here's what I did, using 9.7 defaults and smart-signing feature:

dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -3 -f ksk $zone;
dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -3 $zone;
dnssec-signzone -x -S -3 - -o $zone db.test

(/dev/urandom because it's faster and this was only a test zone)

Then I edited db.test.signed, changed the "changed" record and removed
"removed" and its RRSIG.

Why we see different kinds of failures, I don't know. It's probably got
to do with some of the signey-wimey DNSSEC voodoo stuff I hope I never
have to understand in all its details.


bind-users mailing list

Re: Bonjour! I wish to compile 9.7.0b3

2009-12-09 Thread jv
Thank you! Evan,

I have not VisualStudio which is commercial. Do you think I can use an other
compiler or do you think VisualStudio light is enough (Version 2008 seems


2009/12/9 Evan Hunt 

> > This is my first mail on this list. I hope I am at the right place. I
> have
> > loaded BIND 9.7.0b3 under Windows. Now I would like to compile it. Could
> > someone help me with what is exactly to be done (and if I should install
> a
> > special compiler).
> > Thank you for your help!
> Instructions are included in the bind9 distribution, in the file
> win32utils/win32-build.txt.  I'm not entirely sure these instructions
> are fully up-to-date, so if you have trouble, feel free to send a bug
> report to
> The compiler we currently use for Windows builds is VisualStudio 2005.
> --
> Evan Hunt --
> Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Joel Verdon
bind-users mailing list

Re: Bonjour! I wish to compile 9.7.0b3

2009-12-09 Thread Evan Hunt

> This is my first mail on this list. I hope I am at the right place. I have
> loaded BIND 9.7.0b3 under Windows. Now I would like to compile it. Could
> someone help me with what is exactly to be done (and if I should install a
> special compiler).
> Thank you for your help!

Instructions are included in the bind9 distribution, in the file
win32utils/win32-build.txt.  I'm not entirely sure these instructions
are fully up-to-date, so if you have trouble, feel free to send a bug
report to

The compiler we currently use for Windows builds is VisualStudio 2005.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
bind-users mailing list

Bonjour! I wish to compile 9.7.0b3

2009-12-09 Thread jv
This is my first mail on this list. I hope I am at the right place. I have
loaded BIND 9.7.0b3 under Windows. Now I would like to compile it. Could
someone help me with what is exactly to be done (and if I should install a
special compiler).
Thank you for your help!

Joel Verdon
bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC Bogus NXDOMAIN survives authenticating RR

2009-12-09 Thread Niobos
>> Could you try this lookup?
>> dig +dnssec
> I see now what you mean.
> Even though I have added your DNSKEY as trusted key, I get SERVFAIL on
> the first query and NXDOMAIN on the second, without BIND doing any
> additional outgoing queries.
This is the same behavior I'm observing.

> One of your name servers returns unsigned NXDOMAIN responses with a
> higher serial number than the master server:
I didn't configure the zone by the book; I corrected that now, but the results 
remain the same.

> returns a signed NXDOMAIN response with serial 2009081781.
> That corresponds to BIND's error message:
> | error (insecurity proof failed) resolving
> '':
The response is indeed signed, but the signature should *fail* validation, 
since there is no covering NSEC3 for the looked-up record.
Do I understand the error correctly like this: BIND failed to prove the domain 
to be insecure, hence, the NXDOMAIN response should have a correct signature, 
hence, the response it got is bogus?

>> Could the problem be that the authenticating RR somehow considers this 
>> domain to be insecure when looking up "removed"?
> That might well be the case, although I would expect BIND not to return
> unsigned queries for names below a manually configured trust anchor.
I removed DLV-validation and manually added your KSK DNSKEY as a SEP, without 
change in behavior: keeps returning 
SERVFAIL (as it should).
It seems that my resolver is configured identical for both my and your domain; 
so it's possibly some difference in the served zone that causes this behaviour.
What did you change for the "removed" record? Did you remove only the A and 
RRSIG? Or also the corresponding NSEC3?
In attachement my full (signed) zone-file. It's a test-zone anyway, so I don't 
think this is a security issue.
Description: Binary data

> Maybe others have an idea what's happening here and why BIND returns
> NXDOMAIN responses.
bind-users mailing list