Re: ksk in a volume

2011-06-16 Thread Niobos

On 2011-06-15 15:51, Noel Rocha wrote:

In this situation:
- KSK signed ZSK(DNSKEY RR).
- ZSK signing others RR of zone.

I don't see reason for the KSK be present in operations unless
add/delete RR DNSKEY.
I had the same idea roughly a year ago. And while you're right, it 
doesn't change much in practice. I'll explain my case, and assume it 
applies to you as well.

Since you allow dynamic updates, the ZSKs need to be online. I think we 
can all agree on this.
In theory, you could still sign the ZSKs "manually" with the KSK once 
not-too-often and keep the KSK offline in between. You believe this 
makes your zone more secure.

However, I don't see any security-benefits in this scenario: If the 
attacker gets hold of the credentials to update the zone dynamically, he 
can do so in both cases (KSK online or offline). If your server is 
compromised, he can add/remove records in both cases. In case of ZSK 
compromise, you can generate&sign new ZSKs in both cases. In case of KSK 
compromise, you generate new KSKs and upload them to the parent. The 
only difference is that in the offline case, KSK compromise is a little 
less likely.

So in the end, I decided to leave my KSK online and have BIND 
automatically perform ZSK rollovers for me (KSKs are needed for this, 
although you could pre-calculate all needed RRSIGs during all stages of 
the rollover if you really want to)


bind-users mailing list

Re: Deny MX query

2011-05-25 Thread Niobos

On 2011-05-24 21:58, Warren Kumari wrote:

On May 24, 2011, at 1:55 PM, Igor da Silva Cagnin wrote:

I have a doubt about querys, as fact I’d like to deny just querys type MX. 
Other querys types must be available. Is it possible?


1: Don't list the MX record in your zone.


2: Have multiple views, one with MX records, one without

No, that would return NODATA. The original poster was looking for a 
"deny", which I interpret as REFUSED.


bind-users mailing list

Re: inconsistency dnssec debuguers response and writing conseil for new areas zone

2011-03-02 Thread Niobos
On 2011-03-01 21:00, Torinthiel wrote:
> On 03/01/11 20:17, fakessh @ wrote:
> And about OVH - I don't know if it's related, but I've asked Polish OVH
> how about providing DNSSEC, as .pl is planned to be signed mid-year, and
> they've answered me they will probably be ready. This might, or might
> not be related to providing DNSSEC by other OVH branches and for other
> registries.

I asked this to somewhere around October 2010. They answered that
they were working on it and it would be available "soon".
I re-asked it mid Februari 2010 to They answered that it's on
their roadmap but they don't have a timing yet... They only could
provide me with this forum link:


bind-users mailing list

Views based on port number

2010-12-08 Thread Niobos

For my home use, I'd like to use a DNSSEC-validating recursive resolver,
preferably one I control myself. Since I don't want to install a server
at home specifically for that, I'm trying to develop an alternative. My
current idea is to host the RR on my public server, but I don't intend
to serve the world, so I'd like to restrict this service to me, somehow.
(I have a dynamic IP)

So I was thinking of letting bind run additionally on a high random
port, and configure my broadband router to do the matching NATting. That
brings me to my actual question: How can I match clients based on the
(destination/server) port they used to contact BIND?

Is this possible? Or is there a much easier way to solve my problem and
am I overly complicating things?

And you never know: if anyone has ever installed BIND 9.7 on a dd-wrt
box, that would solve my problem as well.


bind-users mailing list

Re: Silently drop queries for AAAA records

2010-12-07 Thread Niobos
On 2010-12-07 23:31, David A. Evans wrote:
> I'm in the mood to prove a point.   I have a very poorly written
> application that is generating a few hundred queries per second of
> completely bogus  records before attempting a lookup of the correct
> A records.  This is because the application was compiled with a IPv6
> interface enabled on the severs so it assumes that v6 is available.  It
> is not.  The application owner does not see an issue as they get the
> handful NXDOMAIN responses back in ~2 ms for each valid response and
> don't see any performance hit.

Actually, this is the desired behavior for IPv6 applications. They
prefer v6, so they first try to connect over v6 (hence the 
request). When they either (1) don't get an IPv6 address or (2) they see
that they have no route to that IPv6 address or (3) the v6 connection
times out; they fall back to IPv4.

Most applications are configurable to "only try" either v4 or v6. In my
humble opinion, you should ask for this last option in your software.

As for proving your point in that second case, you can add a bogus IPv6
address and push the client into failure mode (3), which will cause a
noticeable delay.


bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC - 1 RRSIG - expires while in cache

2010-11-27 Thread Niobos
On 2010-11-27 13:09, Marc Lampo wrote:
> Q2: Does Bind "automatic" resigning take the TTL into account ?
>  (so that it does not resign later then "present expiration" - "TTL")
Depending on the configuration:

>Specifies the number of days into the future when DNSSEC signatures 
>automatically generated as a result of dynamic updates (the section
>called "Dynamic Update") will expire. There is an optional second field which 
>specifies how long before expiry that the signatures will be
>regenerated. If not specified, the signatures will be regenerated at 1/4 of 
>base interval. The second field is specified in days if the base
>interval is greater than 7 days otherwise it is specified in hours. The 
>default base interval is 30 days giving a re-signing interval of 7
>1/2 days. The maximum values are 10 years (3660 days).
>The signature inception time is unconditionally set to one hour before the 
>current time to allow for a limited amount of clock skew.
>The sig-validity-interval should be, at least, several multiples of the SOA 
>expire interval to allow for reasonable interaction between the
>various timer and expiry dates.

If your TTL is longer than 7.5 days, bind will NOT resign correctly
without this option.


bind-users mailing list

Re: Possible cache poisoning

2010-10-26 Thread Niobos
On 2010-10-26 00:39, The Doctor wrote:
> My question is how can you detect if a DSN / Domain name
> has been 'poisoned'?

By using DNSSEC

bind-users mailing list

Re: more flexible serial number handling in dnssec-signzone

2010-10-15 Thread Niobos
On 2010-10-15 20:23, Jukka Pakkanen wrote:
>  15.10.2010 20:54, Niobos kirjoitti:
>> What's the advantage of using a date anyway? I too can see when a zone
>> was last edited, even down to the second, by watching the RRSIG(SOA)
>> timing.
> Time usually goes to one direction only, forward... so using date/time
> makes sure you are always incrementing the serial. And you even don't
> need to know the current serial to update it.
If that's the reason, dnssec-signzone already supports this: -N unixtime


bind-users mailing list

Re: Reverse Configuration

2010-10-15 Thread Niobos
On 2010-10-15 17:14, João Alberto Kuchnier wrote:
> Dispite of that, I'm having some problems with reverse DNS. MxToolBox,
> for example, is saying that my reverse DNS is not configured.
That's because it isn't:

if I query for (i.e. the reverse lookup for
IP, I don't get the delegation that you have configured.
Instead I get an NXDOMAIN with SOA

In other words: is not configured to delegate
the reverse zones to your server. Instead, it responds authoritatively
that this reverse mapping does not exist. Best to verify with them why
they are not delegating correctly

> Below is one my reverse configuration on named.conf.local:
> zone "" {
> type master;
> file "/etc/bind/";
> allow-transfer { slave; };
> };
> $TTL 216000
> $ORIGIN 101.198.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA.
Your zone is configured as
In the file itself, you leave out the part, so the
whole file will be considered as out-of-zone data and ignored.

bind-users mailing list

Re: more flexible serial number handling in dnssec-signzone

2010-10-15 Thread Niobos
On 2010-10-15 19:38, Jay Ford wrote:
> I found myself in need of more flexibility in the way dnssec-signzone
> handled SOA serial numbers, so I hacked in a way to have the new serial
> number generated by calling strftime(3) with a user-specified time
> format.
I was on the verge of doing something similar myself a few months ago.
After some thinking, I abandoned using dates as serial. All my zones are
now dynamic, so BIND takes care of incrementing the serial at every
change, either via nsupdate or because of DNSSEC timing.

What's the advantage of using a date anyway? I too can see when a zone
was last edited, even down to the second, by watching the RRSIG(SOA) timing.

just my 2 cents,

bind-users mailing list

Re: No cache for NS RR in public DNS

2010-10-15 Thread Niobos
On 2010-10-15 10:52, Tech W. wrote:
> Hello,
> like this domain:
> I can't get its NS RR in public DNS:
> dig ns @
> get nothing.
>From my perspective, has 12 authoritative name servers (as
reported by

If I request the NS records for there, none of them gives
an answer section; some (,, ns1,
even time out without any response.

Start by checking:
* if these are the correct servers? if not, you need to change them via
your registrar
* if these servers are configured to server your zone? most of them
return a SOA, so they seem to know about it
* if these servers have correct zone data? none of them returns NS records


bind-users mailing list

Re: NSEC3 salt lifetime (and some other DNSSEC params): sane value?

2010-09-22 Thread Niobos
On 2010-09-21 16:56, Phil Mayers wrote:
> On 21/09/10 14:43, Niobos wrote:
>> On 2010-09-21 15:32, Kalman Feher wrote:
>>> On 21/09/10 8:43 AM, "Niobos"  wrote:
>>> I personally find protection against zone enumeration to be a false
>>> sense of
>>> security. If it's public people will find it. Ask your self what it
>>> is that
>>> you want publically accessible yet you don't want others to be aware of.
>> I'll reply with a quote from the BIND&  DNS book:
>> It’s the difference between letting random folks call your company’s
>> switchboard and ask for John Q. Cubicle’s phone number [versus] sending
>> them a copy of your corporate phone directory.
> That is a poor analogy.
> Do you have reverse DNS in

> Have you timed how long an "nmap -sL yoursubnet/mask" takes? Because it
> doesn't take very long for us, and we've got a lot of large subnets.
A few seconds

> Attackers can gain a lot of info from this;

> certainly not *all* forward
> lookups, but a lot of them.
My zone consists of mostly CNAMEs that map vhosts to physical hosts; you
won't find these with


bind-users mailing list

Re: NSEC3 salt lifetime (and some other DNSSEC params): sane value?

2010-09-22 Thread Niobos
On 2010-09-21 16:46, Kalman Feher wrote:
> If you don't
> want someone to know it, don't make it public (at the very least).
I agree totally!

> You'll have to accept that no matter what steps you take, your public
> information will be available to those who wish to find it.
I agree.
But I'd argue that there are different "grades" of public information.
My home phone number is public. You can look it up in the (paper or
electronic) phonebook. That doesn't mean I'll put it in the footer of
every mail/facebook/twitter I send out. Hell, I even use an alias to
post to newsgroups instead of my real name. And sure you can figure out
who I am, that info is publicly available somewhere (despite my
efforts), but I'm not going to hand it to you on a plate.

In that sense, I still believe that using NSEC3 over NSEC adds another
barrier to those who want to walk your zone. And while it's possible
(you could even argue "easy") to overcome, it's yet another speed bump.
The whole point of NSEC3 was to make zone walking as difficult as
brute-forcing the server, not to make it impossible.

> Taking steps to
> prevent that is likely to waste more of your time than it will of those
> looking.
Unless you're calculating the NSEC3 hashes by hand, it took me under 1
minute to add an NSEC3PARAM RRset to my zone. And I'm fairly confident
that it will take at least 1 minute longer to walk an NSEC3 zone than an
NSEC zone.


bind-users mailing list

Re: NSEC3 salt lifetime (and some other DNSSEC params): sane value?

2010-09-21 Thread Niobos
On 2010-09-21 15:32, Kalman Feher wrote:
> On 21/09/10 8:43 AM, "Niobos"  wrote:
> I personally find protection against zone enumeration to be a false sense of
> security. If it's public people will find it. Ask your self what it is that
> you want publically accessible yet you don't want others to be aware of.
I'll reply with a quote from the BIND & DNS book:
It’s the difference between letting random folks call your company’s
switchboard and ask for John Q. Cubicle’s phone number [versus] sending
them a copy of your corporate phone directory.

> On a large scale, manual
> intervention would make me very concerned with the likelihood of human based
> outages. 
I'm even concerned that this will be the problem on my private zone...

thank you again for the very insightful info!

bind-users mailing list

Re: NSEC3 salt lifetime (and some other DNSSEC params): sane value?

2010-09-20 Thread Niobos
Thank you for the excellent advice!

On 2010-09-20 18:09, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> I recommend anyone attempting to secure their DNS read the NIST Computer
> Security Resource Center document SP800-81 Rev.1, "Secure Domain Naming
> System (DNS) Guide" at:
> It recommends rolling th KSK every 12 to 24 months and the ZSK every 1
> to 3 months. These values are unchanged from the original SP800-81
> issues back at least two years ago and probably three. Everyone I have
> spoken with who works with crypto feels that, barring a math
> breakthough, these numbers are VERY conservative.
Very interesting read.

However, for my original question, the NIST document says:
> If the zone is signed using NSEC3 RRs, the salt value should be changed
> every time the zone is completely resigned
Since my zone is only updated dynamically, I'll never *completely*
resign my zone... Also, they do mention that "[the salt] should be
changed on a regular basis to maintain protection against zone enumeration."
However, I don't see how it protects the zone from that if I use Daniel
Bernstein's method (i.e. guess a name & hash it. If it's outside a known
hash-range, request the server. Either it's a hit, or it's a new
hash-range.) If the hash changes halfway through the procedure, I just
rehash all my hits and go on. This is hardly a slowdown at all.

>> Online/offline keys
>> Sometimes this may be a choice, other times legislative or standards
>> compliance will require certain behaviour. I've seen some documents require
>> that even ZSKs remain offline (government agencies mostly), but generally
>> its not considered much benefit if it rolls over reasonably often. KSKs are
>> more commonly recommended to remain offline, but that definition can vary as
>> well. A genuine HSM (Hardware Security Module), is not likely to be found in
>> the bulk of DNSSEC deployments, due to cost, complexity and operational
>> staff skills. Thus most operations will find it easier to generate keys
>> either on the master server (perhaps the only server with key generating
>> software) or close by (another server that is nevertheless "online"). If you
>> don't use an offline HSM, then your alternatives will require you to have
>> shorter roll over times in my opinion.
> HSMs are the way to go...if you can afford them. Prices vary a LOT from
> expensive to WOW! (So does functionality, and DNSSEC will typically take
> very little.) Because of dynamic DNS requirements, keeping the private
> ZSK on-line is allowed, even for government sites, though ONLY in cases
> where dynamic DNS is used or the back-end DNS management system requires
> it. Government sites may not keep the KSK on-line. See SP800-81r1
> Section 9.4 for details.

It's a private zone; HSM's are waay too expensive for that purpose!
I use DDNS daily, so that requires the ZSK to be online. The KSK can
remain offline if I manually resign the new DNSKEY RRset every Lzsk
(i.e. every month). I'm not sure I'll have the courage to do this...

bind-users mailing list

NSEC3 salt lifetime (and some other DNSSEC params): sane value?

2010-09-17 Thread Niobos

I'm playing around with the different timers of DNSSEC. Usually these
timers are a balance between a low overhead vs quick propagation:
* A high TTL gives more caching and thus less load on the authoritative
server; but it takes a long time for updates to propagate.
* A short RRSIG lifetime limits the amount of time old answers can be
replayed; but requires regular resigning

Or they are a balance between low overhead and security:
* A DNSKEY (ZSK or KSK) used for a long time risks being cracked;
changing it often requires maintenance.

But for the NSEC3 salt, I can't really figure out what the components
are... If someone is brute-forcing the NSEC3 hashes (cfr Daniel
Bernstein's presentation), changing the salt requires only a minuscule
change on their end. I see no reason to change the NSEC3 salt at all.

So the question is: what is a normal lifetime of an NSEC3 salt, and for
what reason?

And while I'm at it: what lifetimes, keylengths and algo's are popular
for ZSK's and KSK's? Are your keys stored online or offline?

I'm thinking of using ZSK's of 1280bits for a year (since I'm lazy) and
KSK's of 2048bits until I feel like changing it (i.e. pretty much
indefinitely). This would allow the KSK to be offline, and only needed
once a year.
I'd like to use NSEC3 with RSA/SHA-512, but that might be unreasonable
strong compared to my lazy lifetimes. On the other hand, RSA/SHA1 is
more compatible (eg with bind 9.6).
My signature lifetime will probably be 3 weeks, resigning every week.
With 1 week expire timers, it leaves 1 week of margin to correct errors.
Are these values/argo's sane?


PS: don't try talking me into using NSEC. I'm using NSEC3 "because I
can", not that it would be any problem at all if they walked my zone.

bind-users mailing list

Re: auto-dnssec resign timers

2010-09-17 Thread Niobos
On 2010-09-17 19:50, Tony Finch wrote:
> On 17 Sep 2010, at 14:10, Niobos  <>> wrote:
>> Is the current version of the ARM available online somewhere?
> IIRC the specific version that comes from is 9.7.1p2.

Thanks for the quick and accurate answer!


bind-users mailing list

Re: auto-dnssec resign timers

2010-09-17 Thread Niobos
On 2010-09-17 12:15, Tony Finch wrote:
> On 17 Sep 2010, at 10:44, Niobos  <>> wrote:
>> In my opinion, BIND should have resigned this by now: The signature is
>> valid until a little over 2 days. This means that if the slave would
>> loose contact with the master right now, it will give out signatures
>> that will expire before their TTL does.
>> According to my calculations, RRSIGs should be regenerated zone-expire +
>> RR-ttl seconds before the RRSIG expires.
> You have to manually set the zone expiry time, TTLs, signature lifetime,
> and re-signing time consistently.
> The documentation for 9.7.1 says:
> *sig-validity-interval*
> *
> *
> *Specifies the number of days into the future when DNSSEC signatures
> automatically generated as a result of dynamic updates (the section
> called “Dynamic Update”
> <>) will
> expire. There is an optional second field which specifies how long
> before expiry that the signatures will be regenerated. If not specified,
> the signatures will be regenerated at 1/4 of base interval. The second
> field is specified in days if the base interval is greater than 7 days
> otherwise it is specified in hours. The default base interval
> is |30| days giving a re-signing interval of 7 1/2 days. The maximum
> values are 10 years (3660 days).***
Wonderful, exactly what I was looking for.

Unfortunately, this mail is the first place where I find a reference to
this second field. My Google-searches of "bind arm
sig-validity-interval" only return the single-field descriptions (eg
); even the man-page of my installation says:
sig-validity-interval integer;
note the absence of the second field.

Is the current version of the ARM available online somewhere?


bind-users mailing list

auto-dnssec resign timers

2010-09-17 Thread Niobos

I'm experimenting with the auto-dnssec feature of bind 9.7.0-P1. I know
it's outdated; I did skim over the changelog up until 9.7.2rc2, and
didn't find anything that seems like this issue.

This query demonstrates the issue:
; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> +dnssec SOA +norec
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 8632
;; flags: qr aa; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096
;  SOA

;; ANSWER SECTION: 86400   IN  SOA 55 3600 3600 172800 300 86400   IN  RRSIG   SOA 7 3 86400 20100919163624
20100916153624 42614

;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 300 IN  NS 300 IN  NS 300 IN  RRSIG   NS 7 3 300 20100919161438
20100916153624 42614

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:   86400   IN  A   86400   IN  

;; Query time: 7 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Sep 17 11:29:14 2010
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 435

(the zone is my test zone; publicly available,
but not publicly delegated)

In my opinion, BIND should have resigned this by now: The signature is
valid until a little over 2 days. This means that if the slave would
loose contact with the master right now, it will give out signatures
that will expire before their TTL does.
According to my calculations, RRSIGs should be regenerated zone-expire +
RR-ttl seconds before the RRSIG expires.

For reference, the configuration:
zone "" {
type master;
file "/var/lib/bind/";
update-policy local;
auto-dnssec maintain;
dnssec-secure-to-insecure yes;
key-directory "/etc/bind/keys";
sig-validity-interval 3;

And to be completely honest: the configured slave NS record doesn't
really slave this zone; but BIND shouldn't know or care.


bind-users mailing list

Re: Forwarding to two servers

2010-08-10 Thread Niobos
On 2010-08-10 02:39, CLOSE Dave (DAE) wrote:
> Based on suggestions here, I now have a named.conf file like this:
>options { ... };
>logging { ... };
>zone "." IN { type forward; forwarders { PUB; }; forward only; };
>zone "HOST1" { type forward; forwarders { PRIV; }; };
>zone "HOST2" { type forward; forwarders { PRIV; }; };
># PUB and PRIV are actually IP addresses, both on the LAN (not WAN)
> Does anyone see a hidden gotcha that will bite me later?
Someone naming their host "com", "org", "net" or some other existing TLD.


bind-users mailing list

Re: dns-sec and Maintaining Human Sanity

2010-08-06 Thread Niobos

On 2010-08-06 13:24, Martin McCormick wrote:
>   We are upgrading all DNS and DHCP servers to FreeBSD8.0
> and my plan was to use bind9.6x. If there is a better version for
> dns-sec, best to plan to use it now in order to sleigh as much
> of this dragon which is breathing fire on the edge of town and
> threatens to move in soon.
Definitely consider the 9.7 series! You can enable auto-dnssec which
will maintain your signatures for you out-of-the-box. It also supports
key rollover, but IIRC doesn't generate new keys at this moment.

see for more details:


bind-users mailing list

Re: Subnet reverse delagation, RFC 2317

2010-07-29 Thread Niobos
On 2010-07-29 15:00, Jukka Pakkanen wrote:
> Anyway we also have IP network (you know what I mean)
> which should be delegated to our servers, but that still doesn't work.
> But it's probably a delegation problem.

>From my point of view, is served by (and its
slaves) and is not delegated to you (

; <<>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 5200
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;  A

1280318067 3600 900 604800 3600

;; Query time: 64 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Jul 29 16:04:12 2010
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 101

; <<>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 20252
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;   IN  A


128/ 10800 IN 201007292 28800 7200 604800 86400

;; Query time: 1172 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Jul 29 16:05:36 2010
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 126

bind-users mailing list

Re: Subnet reverse delagation, RFC 2317

2010-07-29 Thread Niobos
On 2010-07-29 09:58, Jukka Pakkanen wrote
> Recursion is only allowed for the local networks, but why the server
> thinks recursion is needed in the first place?
Because it is: dig -x looks for
Your server is not a master for this zone; instead it's master for

The original request ( is mapped via a
CNAME to a name inside your zone, but this mapping is done by the nameserver; hence recursion is needed.


bind-users mailing list

Re: Multiple masters expected behavior?

2010-07-26 Thread Niobos
On 2010-07-23 22:52, Peter Laws wrote:
> I would have expected that it would only ask the second-listed master if
> the first didn't answer ... but I didn't write the code (and haven't
> read it either!

And how would your slave ever pick up an update on "second-listed
master" that (for whatever reason) doesn't propagate to "the first"?
After all, "the first" is still answering, but with old data.

bind-users mailing list

Re: Signed root - missing RRSIG for delegation?

2010-07-16 Thread Niobos
That makes it clear for me; thank you very much!

As an unrelated side-note: does anyone know when org.'s DS will be
included in the root zone?


On 2010-07-16 14:08, Alan Clegg wrote:
>> Trying to enhance that: Am I correct to state that it's not possible to
>> validate a delegation NS RRset?
>> You can only validate it indirectly by checking if the DS at the parent
>> matches the DNSKEY in the (presumed) child.
> And that the NS in the child is signed by the ZSK that is signed by the
> KSK that matches the DS in the parent.
> The parent is not allowed to sign the NS records (nor glue), as it does
> not truly 'own' the data -- only the child has that responsibility.
>> It appears that DNSSEC was designed to verify from the QNAME back up to
>> the root. I was trying to do it the other way around, hence my confusion.
> A leap of faith (trust anchor) provides a validatable zone which
> contains a DS record which validates a child DNSKEY which provides a
> validatable zone which ... but you start by doing a query for the QNAME
> for which you were interested in and then chasing backwards, so yes.
> I highly recommend as a path to enlightenment.
> AlanC

bind-users mailing list

Re: Signed root - missing RRSIG for delegation?

2010-07-16 Thread Niobos
On 2010-07-16 12:36, Alan Clegg wrote:
> .net isn't signed, and you don't sign "out-of-zone" data (glue and
> delegation NS records).

But org. is signed, and gives the same result.

But anyway, it basically boils down to:

> On 7/16/2010 6:25 AM, Niobos wrote:
>> It's probably just my lack of knowledge

Trying to enhance that: Am I correct to state that it's not possible to
validate a delegation NS RRset?
You can only validate it indirectly by checking if the DS at the parent
matches the DNSKEY in the (presumed) child.

It appears that DNSSEC was designed to verify from the QNAME back up to
the root. I was trying to do it the other way around, hence my confusion.


bind-users mailing list

Signed root - missing RRSIG for delegation?

2010-07-16 Thread Niobos

It's probably just my lack of knowledge, but there seems to be a missing
RRSIG in the root zone.

I try to securely resolve I obviously get a delegation
returned (dig output below), but I can't seem to validate that
delegation. The delegation itself (and a direct request for net./NS)
only yield an RRSIG over the NSEC RRset, not over the NS RRset and not
over the glue A-records (which are in bailiwick, and I have "no other
way" to resolve them)

Can anyone clarify?


$ dig +dnssec A

; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> +dnssec A
; (2 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 1174
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 15, ADDITIONAL: 16
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;   IN  A

net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.172800  IN  NS
net.86400   IN  NSECnf. NS RRSIG NSEC
net.86400   IN  RRSIG   NSEC 8 1 86400 2010072200 
2010071423 41248
. XNB4appdNqmX630pa76WvD7nVhSqz908XQ2DXxLUB2q6VeMsVVPnYppg
BDAzvbTYm2KbUv88b3TzZzIxmyyCMWbo8sY+ihJckmkpftg5LAVcU9B6 Ajs=

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  2001:503:a83e::2:30 172800  IN  2001:503:231d::2:30

;; Query time: 69 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jul 16 12:21:13 2010
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 711

bind-users mailing list

SRV record question

2010-06-16 Thread Niobos

I'm a bit confused on how exactly to implement the SRV records.
At this moment, it's more an exercise for me, since client software
doesn't use them (yet).

I have a CALDAV server running on a vhost (apache config). Currently,
DNS looks like this:
caldav   CNAME  server
server   A

So in fact, I'm already abusing CNAME to map a service to a host. This
is convenient, since the IP is only specified once. (So if it changes,
there is no risk of overlooking an entry)

The trouble starts when adding SRV records. Spontaneously, I'd add
_caldav._tcp   SRV 10 10 80 caldav

However, RFC2782 explicitly states that: the name MUST NOT be an alias
Which would require me to change DNS to look like:
caldav   A
caldav    dead:beef:cafe::1
server   A
server    dead:beef:cafe::1
_caldav._tcp   SRV 10 10 80 caldav

In this configuration, the server's IP is present multiple times, which
will lead to mistakes in the future. I can't let the SRV-record point
directly to "server" either, since the vhost-configuration needs the
correct Host:-HTTP header.

Or am I missing something?


bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC HW Support

2010-03-16 Thread Niobos
On 2010-03-16 15:57, wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how many tests I need to run for an
> individual product (layer 2, 3, 4, and 7) before I can say it is
> completely DNSSEC compliant.
By definition, any layer 2, 3 and 4 product is DNSSEC-agnostic: DNS with
or without SEC-extension is considered payload. If a L2,3 or 4 devices
does work with DNS and doesn't work with DNSSEC, it's broken and needs
replacement. For completeness: switches and routers are layer 2 and 3

Layer 7 devices might be affected, since they may preform extensive
checking on the DNS-content itself.

To answer your question: 0 tests for layer 2, 3 and 4. To be "completely
compliant", you'd need to run an infinite number of tests for layer 7
devices. I'd test the different algorithms, including some very recent
(RSASHA512) and different security statuses (bogus, insecure, secure).

bind-users mailing list

Re: Modifying a response

2010-02-25 Thread Niobos
On 2010-02-24 14:09, Peter Andreev wrote:
> 2010/2/24 Alan Clegg>>
> Peter Andreev wrote:
> > > For example: if user asks for non-existent domain, caching
> server
> > > replies with some address and no-error rcode.
> >
> > _Extremely_ bad idea.
> >
> >
> > Yes, I know, but boss is boss and task is task :).
> >
> > Thank you very much for your answer.
> You might want to talk to your boss about DNSSEC and how it
> insures that
> "answer modification" is not allowed -- and how it keeps your
> customers
> safe and secure and is a good selling point (see the Comcast
> announcement that was made yesterday).
> AlanC
> Oh, DNSSSEC is another headache. These two tasks doesn't influence
> each other.
As far as I can tell, they DO: your modified answers will be marked as
BOGUS by DNSSEC and will be thrown away.

bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC: Configuring auto-signed dynamic zone

2010-02-16 Thread Niobos
On 2010-02-16 13:32, Eugene Crosser wrote:
> Do you think there is an appropriate place somewhere for a small
> one-page HOWTO? I could document what I did and submit the result...
I for one would be interested!

bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC Bogus NXDOMAIN survives authenticating RR

2010-01-25 Thread Niobos

On 2009-12-10 08:49, Niobos wrote:

Thank you very much for your help; I'll forward the conversation to the 
bug-tracking list.

Since these are my first DNSSEC experiments, I just wanted to make sure that it 
wasn't a problem with my understanding of the concept.


This has been confirmed as a security-bug by ISC a while back. Due to 
the potential exploit, they asked me not to release this information 
until the fix was released.

BIND 9.6.1-P3 now contains the fix:
827. [security] Bogus NXDOMAIN could be cached as if valid. [RT #20712]

I can confirm that this version behaves as expected: keeps returning 
SERVFAIL on bogus NXDOMAIN response.

bind-users mailing list

Re: bindvrs Vulnerability

2010-01-12 Thread Niobos

On 12 Jan 2010, at 17:15, Lightner, Jeff wrote:

 For BIND blocking
the version keeps the auditors from asking the question since they  

know base version let alone extended version.

Which tells more about the auditors than about the feature to do so

bind-users mailing list

Re: Is an IPv6-only glue/delegation record a problem in a world of IPv4?

2010-01-11 Thread Niobos

On 11 Jan 2010, at 18:29, Mathew J. Newton wrote:
Specifically, the Dig tool at  
unable to resolve my records and I can't help but feel it's a  
problem at

my end rather than theirs!

It's their end

The domain is, and the record I am attempting to query for is - here's what the Kloth Dig tool gets:   86400   IN  NS   86400   IN  NS
;; Received 150 bytes from  
in 4 ms

If I retry this DNS-query, I get:

; <<>> DiG 9.4.3-P3 <<>> @A2.ORG.AFILIAS-NST.INFO
; (2 servers found)
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 52072
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 4
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;  IN  A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:   86400   IN  NS   86400   IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:   86400   IN  A   86400   IN  A   86400   IN  2a01:348:133::a1   86400   IN  2a01:348:6:a1::2

;; Query time: 28 msec
;; SERVER: 2001:500:40::1#53(2001:500:40::1)
;; WHEN: Mon Jan 11 20:26:17 2010
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 150

Which seems perfectly valid for a v4&v6 delegation.

I set the domain up to experiment with IPv6, which could be why I've  
got a

Shouldn't, but might... I'm running a v4-v6 DNS right now and I've  
been through some trouble to get it working...

I have a single DNS server with a IPv4 address and two IPv6  
addresses. The

zone file is as follows:

@   IN  SOA (
   2010012000  ; Serial
   14400   ; Refresh
   7200; Retry
   950400  ; Expire
   300 )   ; Negative Cache TTL

   IN  NS
   IN  NS

ns1 IN  2a01:348:133::a1
ns1 IN  A
ns2 IN  2a01:348:6:a1::2

This is NOT how it's configured in the Glue:   86400   IN  A   86400   IN  A   86400   IN  2a01:348:133::a1   86400   IN  2a01:348:6:a1::2

Local lookups for (A and  records) work fine, as they
also do from Men&Mice's online Dig tool. So why not Kloth's?
Possibly because it's broken. It works fine here; results conform to  
the zone you listed above.

I can't help but feel it is given the lack of an IPv4 A record for - either as glue in .org or within my own  
zone. But

should this matter? In the absence of an IPv4 A-record for the delegation in .org shouldn't their Dig attempt to  
connect to instead (yes, they are the same machine but noone else  

this but me... and you!)?
I'm not a DNS expert, but I think it should. However, currently there  
IS a A-glue for ns2

bind-users mailing list

Re: blockhole'd IP receiving referral?

2009-12-20 Thread Niobos

On 19 Dec 2009, at 16:11, Fr34k wrote:


Chris, I believe you are correct. That is, "blackhole applies to the  
sending of queries in addition to the receiving of queries".

Let me explain.

I discovered this the hard way. I had a /24 in the blackhole because  
it contained abusive clients. Within this /24 sat two legitimate  
authoritative name servers (ANS). Our clients could not get  
responses from these ANS servers because they were within the /24  

The solution was to make an exception for these two ANS servers.  
This is fine in that the blackhole function is doing its job well!
However, we have a few /16s among our blackhole networks and to  
manage an exception list of legitimate ANS servers contained within  
will be unmanageable.

So, how to stop the abuse without impacting legitimate client queries?

I think the solution here would be to permit "allow-recursion  
( mynets;)" clients to query and get responses from "blackhole  
( badnets; }" networks in some way.

Does such a solution, or equivalent, exist? If so, can someone share?

I haven't tested this, but I think this might do what you ask for:
Remove the blackhole-statements from the config; instead add these  
rules to iptables, ipfw or equivalent:

* Allow "related or established" packets to the DNS port
* Drop incomming DNS-requests from the blackhole nets

This will basically allow replies, but drop requests.


bind-users mailing list

Re: dnssec updated zone data is not live ??

2009-12-18 Thread Niobos
On 17 Dec 2009, at 20:50, Kevin Darcy wrote:
> Cat'ing the zone file is no longer reliable once you've enabled a zone for 
> Dynamic Update. There might be updates in the log file which haven't been 
> committed to the actual zone file yet. That's why I recommended that you use 
> an AXFR of the zone to check for changes recently made.

Or do an "rndc freeze". This will stop dynamic updates to the zone 
and commit the logfile to the zonefile. Be sure to do an "rndc unfreeze" when you're done to reenable dynamic updates.
bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC Bogus NXDOMAIN survives authenticating RR

2009-12-10 Thread Niobos
Thank you very much for your help; I'll forward the conversation to the 
bug-tracking list.

Since these are my first DNSSEC experiments, I just wanted to make sure that it 
wasn't a problem with my understanding of the concept.


On 10 Dec 2009, at 00:59, Hauke Lampe wrote:
> The signatures on your SOA and NSEC3 records in the NXDOMAIN response
> are all valid. It's their meaning, the proof of nonexistence for the
> removed record, that cannot be established:
>> validating @0xb4e01470: A: attempting 
>> negative response validation
>>  validating @0xb4e01ee0: SOA: verify rdataset 
>> (keyid=33827): success
>>  validating @0xb8e98b60: 
>> NSEC3: verify 
>> rdataset (keyid=33827): success
>>  validating @0xb8e98b60: 
>> NSEC3: verify 
>> rdataset (keyid=33827): success
>> validating @0xb4e01470: A: NSEC3 proves name 
>> exists (owner) data=1
>> validating @0xb4e01470: A: nonexistence 
>> proof(s) not found
> BIND seems to cache the validation state of the signatures, not the
> failed nonexistence proof. At least it doesn't re-validate cached answers:
>> client UDP request
>> client using view '_default'
>> client request is not signed
>> client recursion available
>> client query
>> client query (cache) '' 
>> approved
>> client send
>> client sendto
>> client senddone
>> client next
>> client endrequest
> So, while the first query returns SERVFAIL as expected, subsequent
> responses from the cache even have the AD flag set. This is the one
> thing that *really* puzzled me (otherwise I probably wouldn't have begun
> looking at long debug logs ;)
>> ha...@pope:~$ dig +dnssec 
> [...]
>> ;; Got answer:
>> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 46781
>> ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 6, ADDITIONAL: 1
> The response doesn't validate:
>> ha...@pope:~$ dig +sigchase +trusted-key=./ 
>> +dnssec 
> [...]
>> ;; Impossible to verify the Non-existence, the NSEC RRset can't be 
>> validated: FAILED
> I think this is a bug in BIND's resolver part. You should forward a bug
> report to
> Unbound returns SERVFAIL to all queries for
> and keeps logging the failed NSEC3 test:
>> unbound: [968:0] debug: Validating a nxdomain response
>> unbound: [968:0] debug: nsec3: keysize 1024 bits, max iterations 150
>> unbound: [968:0] info: start nsec3 nameerror proof, zone 
>> unbound: [968:0] info: ce candidate > CLASS0>
>> unbound: [968:0] debug: nsec3 proveClosestEncloser: proved that qname 
>> existed, bad
>> unbound: [968:0] debug: nsec3 nameerror proof: failed to prove a closest 
>> encloser
>> unbound: [968:0] debug: NameError response failed nsec, nsec3 proof was 
>> sec_status_bogus
>> unbound: [968:0] info: validate(nxdomain): sec_status_bogus

bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC Bogus NXDOMAIN survives authenticating RR

2009-12-09 Thread Niobos
>> Could you try this lookup?
>> dig +dnssec
> I see now what you mean.
> Even though I have added your DNSKEY as trusted key, I get SERVFAIL on
> the first query and NXDOMAIN on the second, without BIND doing any
> additional outgoing queries.
This is the same behavior I'm observing.

> One of your name servers returns unsigned NXDOMAIN responses with a
> higher serial number than the master server:
I didn't configure the zone by the book; I corrected that now, but the results 
remain the same.

> returns a signed NXDOMAIN response with serial 2009081781.
> That corresponds to BIND's error message:
> | error (insecurity proof failed) resolving
> '':
The response is indeed signed, but the signature should *fail* validation, 
since there is no covering NSEC3 for the looked-up record.
Do I understand the error correctly like this: BIND failed to prove the domain 
to be insecure, hence, the NXDOMAIN response should have a correct signature, 
hence, the response it got is bogus?

>> Could the problem be that the authenticating RR somehow considers this 
>> domain to be insecure when looking up "removed"?
> That might well be the case, although I would expect BIND not to return
> unsigned queries for names below a manually configured trust anchor.
I removed DLV-validation and manually added your KSK DNSKEY as a SEP, without 
change in behavior: keeps returning 
SERVFAIL (as it should).
It seems that my resolver is configured identical for both my and your domain; 
so it's possibly some difference in the served zone that causes this behaviour.
What did you change for the "removed" record? Did you remove only the A and 
RRSIG? Or also the corresponding NSEC3?
In attachement my full (signed) zone-file. It's a test-zone anyway, so I don't 
think this is a security issue.
Description: Binary data

> Maybe others have an idea what's happening here and why BIND returns
> NXDOMAIN responses.
bind-users mailing list

Re: DNSSEC Bogus NXDOMAIN survives authenticating RR

2009-12-08 Thread Niobos
On 08 Dec 2009, at 15:18, Hauke Lampe wrote:
> Niobos wrote:
>> When requesting a lookup of "removed", I get a SERVFAIL as well. However, 
>> every subsequent request for "removed" gets an NXDOMAIN. (dig outputs below)
>> Flushing the caches on the RR with "rndc flush" causes the first request to 
>> be a SERVFAIL again.
> I cannot reproduce this behaviour with BIND 9.7.0b3. I get a SERVFAIL
> for all lookups to changed/removed records.
> Maybe you can try these with 9.6.1-P1:
> dig +dnssec
> should return and the AD flag (if you use DLV with either
> or

> dig +dnssec
> should return SERVFAIL and log "error (no valid RRSIG)" for the A record.
Correct (I didn't check the log, but the end result is correct)

> dig +dnssec
> should return SERVFAIL and log validation failures for the SOA as well
> as the A record (because removing the record disrupted the NSEC3 chain).
Correct (didn't check the log), and it keeps SERVFAIL-ing on subsequent tries 
as well.

While trying this, I noticed something that might give some info to where the 
problem is located:
As soon as I activate DLV (besides the manual SEP I entered), the "removed" 
behaviour changes:
* First lookup still returns SERVFAIL
* Subsequent lookups now return NXDOMAIN with the AD flag *set*! (log confirms 
that my domain is not in the DLV and hence is insecure)

Could you try this lookup?
dig +dnssec

My keys are not (yet) in any DLV database, so you'll just have to assume my 
DNSKEYs are correct.

Could the problem be that the authenticating RR somehow considers this domain 
to be insecure when looking up "removed"?


bind-users mailing list

DNSSEC Bogus NXDOMAIN survives authenticating RR

2009-12-07 Thread Niobos
Hi all,

I'm having some problems with implementing DNSSEC with NSEC3. I'm fairly new to 
DNSSEC, so it is certainly possible that my understanding of the subject is 
causing me to miss something. Also, I'm not entirely sure this is the correct 
mailing list, more accurate pointers are welcome.

The setup contains two BIND nameservers, both version 9.6.1-P1 on a linux OS 
(ubuntu 9.10 and gentoo). One is configured as authorative name-server for a 
(test)zone; the other is configured to be an authenticating recursive resolver.

I created a zone with the following entries (besides the standard SOA and NS):
* normal A
* changed A
* removed A
I also have two DNSKEY records (one KSK and one ZSK).

After signing this zone with the keys, I intentionally modify the signed 
zonefile to simulate a MITM attack:
* I change the "changed" A record to point to
* I remove the "removed" A record, along with its RRSIG
I would expect DNSSEC to catch these changes and reject the bogus responses.

When requesting a lookup of "normal", I get a NOERROR and the AuthenticatedData 
flag is set, along with the requested data.
When requesting a lookup of "changed", I get a SERVFAIL. I'm not sure if this 
is the expected behaviour, but it seems logical.
When requesting a lookup of "removed", I get a SERVFAIL as well. However, every 
subsequent request for "removed" gets an NXDOMAIN. (dig outputs below)
Flushing the caches on the RR with "rndc flush" causes the first request to be 
a SERVFAIL again.

When I look at the debug output of the RR for channel dnssec, I see no 
additional entries after the initial request. Log in attachement (sorry for the 
wrong mime-type; if anyone knows how to convince to de this decently, 
let me know)

Description: Binary data

According to my understanding, this is a bug, probably in the caching. Can 
anyone confirm this is actually a bug? Point me to the right config-parameter? 
Or explain to me why this _isn't_ a bug?


$ dig +dnssec removed.dnssec.

; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> +dnssec removed.dnssec.
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 8658
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096
;removed.dnssec..  IN  A

;; Query time: 603 msec
;; SERVER: 10..1#53(10..1)
;; WHEN: Sun Dec  6 19:10:05 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 59

$ dig +dnssec removed.dnssec.

; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> +dnssec removed.dnssec.
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 65296
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096
;removed.dnssec..  IN  A

.  3599IN  SOA serv02.. hostmaster.. 
2009111618 3600 3600 604800 3600

;; Query time: 946 msec
;; SERVER: 10..1#53(10..1)
;; WHEN: Sun Dec  6 19:10:07 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 122

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