Journal of Experimental Biology, 207(25)

2004-11-22 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
x-avg-checked=avg-ok-42851B4F X-edited-by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 11:26:16 EST Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN JEB -- Table of Bioacoustics Contents 1 December 2004; Vol. 207, No. 25 U

Bioacoustics paper in J Exp Biol January 2005 208(1)

2004-12-16 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
x-avg-checked=avg-ok-717F4 X-edited-by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:43:45 EST Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN Bioacoustics paper in Journal of Experimental Biology, January 2005; Vol. 2

Bioacoustic papers in J Exp Biol 208(2)

2005-01-06 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
x-avg-checked=avg-ok-778C3882 X-edited-by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 15:03:00 EST Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN Journal of Experimental Biology 15 January 2005; Vol. 208, No. 2 URL: htt

Bioacoustics Paper in Behav Ecol Sociobiol, 2005, 57(3)

2005-01-13 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
x-avg-checked=avg-ok-59627413 X-edited-by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 18:52:12 EST Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN A paper not focused on bioacoustics but concerning communication appeared

Bioacoustics papers in J Exp Biol 2005, 208(4)

2005-02-07 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
x-avg-checked=avg-ok-55D07A8F X-edited-by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:51:56 EST Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN Her odours make him deaf: crossmodal modulation of olfaction and hearing

Bioacoustics paper in Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 57(4)

2005-02-16 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
x-avg-checked=avg-ok-7EFF4050 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-edited-by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:23:36 EST Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN Volume 57 Number 4 of Behavioral Ecology

bioacoustics papers: Proc R Soc Biol Sci, vol 272 Feb

2005-02-28 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4AB1AC8 X-edited-by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 12:18:35 EST Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 272 (February 2005

bioacoustics papers: JEB March 2005; Vol. 208, No. 5

2005-03-10 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Published in Journal of Experimental Biology, March 2005; Vol. 208, No. 5 Mechanisms underlying phonotactic steering in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus revealed with a fast trackball system B. Hedwig and J. F. A. Poulet J Exp Biol 2005;208 915-927

Bioacoustics paper: J Exp Biol March 2005; Vol. 208, No. 6

2005-03-14 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Directionality of the lizard ear Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard and Geoffrey A. Manley J Exp Biol 2005;208 1209-1217

Bioacoustics papers in J Exp Biol April 2005

2005-03-22 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 208, No. 7 The mechanics of sound production in Panacanthus pallicornis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae): the stridulatory motor patterns Fernando Montealegre-Z and Andrew C. Mason J Exp Biol 2005;208 1219-1237

Bioacoustics papers in J Exp Biol 15 April 2005

2005-04-05 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 208, No. 8 Tuning of host plants with vibratory songs of Nezara viridula L (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Andrej Cokl, Maja Zorovic, Alenka Zunic, and Meta Virant-Doberlet J Exp Biol 2005;208 1481-1488

Bioacoustic papers in Proceedings: Biological Sciences - 272, 1565

2005-05-12 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Volume 272 Number 1565/April 22, 2005 of Proceedings: Biological Sciences is now available on the The Royal Society web site at This issue contains the following bioacoustic papers Biosonar behaviour of free-ranging porpoises p. 797 Tomonari Akamatsu, Ding Wa

Bioacoustic paper in J Exp Biol Vol. 208, No. 12

2005-06-07 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
JEB -- Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology has been made available: 15 June 2005; Vol. 208, No. 12 Acoustic characteristics of underwater tail slaps used by Norwegian and Icelandic killer whales (Orcinu

Bioacoustic paper in Proceedings: Biological Sciences, June 2005

2005-07-11 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Volume 272 Number 1568/June 07, 2005 of Proceedings: Biological Sciences is now available on the The Royal Society web site at Adaptive differences in response to two types of parental alarm call in altricial nestlings p. 1101 by Dirk Platzen, Robert D.

Bioacoustic paper in Proceedings: Biological Sciences, May 2005

2005-07-11 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Volume 272 Number 1567/May 22, 2005 of Proceedings: Biological Sciences is now available on the The Royal Society web site at Vibrational communication facilitates cooperative foraging in a phloem-feeding insect p. 1023 by Reginald B. Cocroft

Bioacoustics papers in J. Exp. Biol., Sept 2005

2005-08-30 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Spatial orientation in echolocating harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Ursula K. Verfuss, Lee A. Miller, and Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler J Exp Biol 2005;208 3385-3394 Mechanisms underlying the production of carapace vi

Bioacoustics paper in J. Exp. Biol. 208(18), September 2005

2005-09-12 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
JEB -- Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology has been made available: 15 September 2005; Vol. 208, No. 18 URL: Are hearing sensitivities of freshwater fish adapted to the ambient noise in their habitats?

Bioacoustics papers in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

2006-08-28 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 273 Number 1599 / September 22, 2006 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Vervet monkeys and humans show brain asymmetries for processing cons

Bioacoustics papers in Biology letters

2006-08-28 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 2 Number 3 / September 22, 2006 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Imitating the neighbours: vocal dialect matching in a mimic–model system p. 367 David A. Putland, James A. Nichol

bioacoustics papers in J Exp Biol Table Vol. 209, No. 18

2006-08-31 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB -- Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology has been made available: 15 September 2006; Vol. 209, No. 18 URL: Size discrimination of hollow hemispheres by echolocation in a nectar feeding bat R

Bioacoustics Paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

2006-09-28 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 273 Number 1601 / October 22, 2006 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at . This issue contains: Evidence that female preferences have shaped male signal evolution in a c

Bioacoustic paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

2007-07-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 274 Number 1621 / August 22, 2007 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at Song repertoire size varies with HVC volume and is indicative of male quality in song sparrows (M

Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2007-07-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 3 Number 4 / August 22, 2007 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at Daytime noise predicts nocturnal singing in urban robins p. 368 Richard A. Fuller, Philip H. Warren, Kevin J. Gaston Female red deer pre

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-07-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 July 2007; Vol. 210, No. 14 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Acoustic feature recognition in the dogbane tiger mo

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-07-20 Thread Jérôme Sueur
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 August 2007; Vol. 210, No. 15 Mechanics of a `simple' ear: tympanal vibrations in noctuid moths J. F. C. Windmill, J. H. Fullard, and D. Robert J Exp Biol 2007;210 2637-2648

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-08-09 Thread Jérôme Sueur
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 August 2007; Vol. 210, No. 16 Male discrimination of receptive and unreceptive female calls by temporal features Taffeta M. Elliott and Darcy B. Kelley J Exp Biol 2007;210 2836-2842

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-08-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 September 2007; Vol. 210, No. 17 Preferences based on spectral differences in acoustic signals in four species of treefrogs (Anura: Hylidae) H. Carl Gerhardt, Carlos C. Martínez-Rivera,

PhD Studentship in Bristol, UK

2007-08-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Announcement from the University of Bristol, UK Contacts below (not me!) PhD Studentship: Modelling of the tympanal membrane in locusts Hearing and correct reading of sound is an important feature for all animals as it can determine the survival of the species. The ear of the locust has been

bioacoustic paper in JEB Sept.

2007-08-31 Thread Jérôme Sueur
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 September 2007; Vol. 210, No. 18 Flight and hearing: ultrasound sensitivity differs between flight-capable and flight-incapable morphs of a wing-dimorphic cricket species Gerald S. Pollack and Ruben Martins J Exp B

Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2007-08-31 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 3 Number 5 / October 22, 2007 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at This issue contains: ‘Megapclicks’: acoustic click trains and buzzes produced during night-time foraging of humpback whales (Megaptera no

bioacoustic paper in JEB 210(19)

2007-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 October 2007; Vol. 210, No. 19 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Orientation towards prey in antlions: efficient

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-10-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 October 2007; Vol. 210, No. 20 The below Table of Contents is available online at: The acoustic mechanics of stick–slip friction in t

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-11-02 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 November 2007; Vol. 210, No. 22 Sound production and spectral hearing sensitivity in the Hawaiian sergeant damselfish, Abudefduf abdominalis Karen P. Maruska, Kelly S. Boyle, Laura R.

bioacoustic papers in Biology Letters 3(6)

2007-11-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 3 Number 6 / December 22, 2007 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Interspecific audience effects on the alarm-calling behaviour of a kleptoparasitic bird p. 589 Amanda R. Ridl

Bioacoustic paper in Behav Ecol Sociobiol 62(2)

2007-11-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 62 Number 2 of Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology is now available on the SpringerLink web site at Pups crying bass: vocal adaptation for avoidance of age-dependent predation risk in ground squirrels? Author(s)Vera A. Matrosova, Ilya A. Volodin, Elena V.

Bioacoustics paper in Proc Royal Soc B

2007-11-26 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1631 / January 22, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Echolocation behaviour adapted to prey in foraging Blainville's beaked w

Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2008-01-09 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 4 Number 1 / February 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at Ultrasonic signalling by a Bornean frog p. 19 Victoria S. Arch, T. Ulmar Grafe, Peter M. Narins

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-01-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 February 2008; Vol. 211, No. 3 How to identify dear enemies: the group signature in the complex song of the skylark Alauda arvensis

Bioacoustic papers in Biology Letters

2008-03-06 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 4 Number 2 / April 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at Integrating cues of social interest and voice pitch in men's preferences for women's voices p. 192 Benedict C. Jones, David R. Feinberg,

Bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2008-03-11 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1638 / May 07, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Sheep in wolf's clothing: host nestling vocalizations resemble their cowbird

Bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2008-04-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1640 / June 07, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Developmental plasticity of mating calls enables acoustic communication in d

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-04-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 May 2008; Vol. 211, No. 9 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Acoustic pressure and particle motion thresholds in six sciaenid fishes Andrij Z. Horo

Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2008-05-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 4 Number 3 / June 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Local song elements indicate local genotypes and predict physiological condition in song sparrows Melospiza melodia

bioacoustics paper in JEB

2008-05-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 June 2008; Vol. 211, No. 11 A false killer whale adjusts its hearing when it echolocates Paul E. Nachtigall and Alexander Y. Supin J Exp Biol 2008;211 1714-1718 http://jeb.biologis

bioacoustics paper in JEB

2008-06-03 Thread Jérôme Sueur
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 June 2008; Vol. 211, No. 12 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Comparing passive and active hearing: spectral analysis of transient sounds in bats

bioacousitcs paper in JEB

2008-06-16 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 July 2008; Vol. 211, No. 13 The below Table of Contents is available online at: The responses of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) to ul

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting: reminder for registration

2008-06-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
XIIth INVERTEBRATE SOUND AND VIBRATION MEETING Tours, France, October 27-30 2008 _ Dear Colleague, We remind you that there is still time to benefit from the lower registration fee, which will hold until 30 June; the fee for ISV 2008 increases

bioacoustics paper in JEB

2008-07-03 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 July 2008; Vol. 211, No. 14 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Vocal identity and species recognition in male Aus

bioacoustic paper in Proc Roy Soc B

2008-07-14 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Volume 275 Number 1646 / September 07, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at Evolutionarily conserved coding properties of auditory neurons across grasshopper specie

Bioacoustic papers in JEB 211(15)

2008-07-15 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology[3] is available online:1 August 2008; Vol. 211, No. 15 Sexual dimorphism in auditory mechanics: tympanal vibrations of Cicada orni Jérôme Sueur, James F. C. Windmill, and Daniel Robert J Exp Biol 2008;211 2379-2387

bioaoustic paper in JEB

2008-08-08 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Phonotactic selectivity in two cryptic species of gray treefrogs: effects of differences in pulse rate, carrier frequency and playback level H. Carl Gerhardt J Exp Biol 2008;211 2609-2616

bioacousitc papers in JEB 211(7)

2008-08-22 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 September 2008; Vol. 211, No. 17 Predicting acoustic orientation in complex real-world environments Natasha Mhatre and Rohini Balakrishnan J Exp Biol 2008;211 2779-2785 http://jeb.

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting: last call for registration and abstract submission

2008-09-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur
XIIth INVERTEBRATE SOUND AND VIBRATION MEETING Tours, France, October 27-30 2008 _ Dear Colleague, We remind you that the final registration and abstract submission deadline for the next ISV meeting is the 15th of September 2008. If you wish t

Bioacoustic paper in Proc R SOc B

2008-09-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1649 / October 22, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Life history constrains biochemical development in the highly specialized

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-09-26 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 October 2008; Vol. 211, No. 19 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Foraging bats avoid noise Andrea Schaub, Joa

Bioacoustic papers in Proc Roy Soc B

2008-10-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1651 / November 22, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Automatic imitation in budgerigars p. 2547 Rosetta Mui, Mark Haselgr

bioacoustic paper in JEB 211(22)

2008-11-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 November 2008; Vol. 211, No. 22 Mother–young vocal communication and acoustic recognition promote preferential nursing in sheep Frédéric Sèbe, Thierry Aubin, Amélie Boué, and Pascal Poindron J Exp Biol 2008;211 3554-3562 htt

Bioacoustics paper in Biology Letters 4(6)

2008-11-07 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 4 Number 6 / December 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Predation increases acoustic complexity in primate alarm calls p. 641 Claudia Stephan, Klaus Zuberbühler Learnin

Abstract book of Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting

2008-11-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Dear Colleagues, The abstract book and the pictures of the Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting 2008 are now online. Please go to: Best regards, Jerome -- __ Museum national d'Histoire naturell

bioacoustics paper in JEB 211(24)

2008-12-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 December 2008; Vol. 211, No. 24 Surviving cave bats: auditory and behavioural defences in the Australian noctuid moth, Speiredonia spectans James H. Fullard, Matt E. Jackson, David S.

bioacoustic paper in Proc Royal Soc B

2008-12-10 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1655 / January 22, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Assessing visual requirements for social context-dependent activation of

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-12-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 January 2009; Vol. 212, No. 1 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Intense echolocation calls from two `whispering'

[Fwd: Phd-position in Bioacostics]

2008-12-22 Thread Jérôme Sueur
I forward this message from Annemarie Surlykke. Jerome *Ph.d. stipend available (NB, deadline January 5 2009):*** *Echolocation in bats – the role of ear and face morphology for sound emission and perception * Supervisors: Annemarie Surlykke Institute of Biology, SDU and John Hallam, The Mae

bioacoustics paper in JEB 212(2)

2008-12-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 January 2009; Vol. 212, No. 2 Mechanical phase shifters for coherent acoustic radiation in the stridulating wings of crickets: the plectrum mechanism Fernando Montealegre-Z, James F. C

bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2009-01-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1656 / February 07, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at Migration strategy and divergent sexual selection on bird song p. 585 Sarah A. Collins, S

A bioacoustic paper in PLoS ONE

2009-01-06 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Sorry for doing my own advertisement... Jerome Read the open-access, full-text article here: = Rapid Acoustic Survey for Biodiversity Appraisal by J Sueur, S Pavoine, O Hamarlynck, S Duvail Biodive

bioacoustic papers in Proc R Soc B

2009-01-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1657 / February 22, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at Recognition of other species' aerial alarm calls: speaking the same language or learning anoth

bioacoustic papers in Biol Letters

2009-01-22 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 5 Number 1 / February 23, 2009 of Biology Letters is now available on the web site at Vocal cues of ovulation in human females p. 12 Gregory A. Bryant, Martie G. Haselton Fish ears are sensitive to sex change p. 73

bioacoustics papers in Proceedings B

2009-01-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1658 / March 07, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Echolocating bats emit a highly directional sonar sound beam in the field

bioacoustics paper in JEB 212(4)

2009-01-31 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 February 2009; Vol. 212, No. 4 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Innate or learned acoustic recognition of avian

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-02-09 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1659 / March 22, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at This issue contains: Voice pitch alters mate-choice-relevant perception in hunter–gatherers p. 10

bioacoustics papers in JEB 212(5)

2009-02-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 March 2009; Vol. 212, No. 5 Plasma membrane calcium ATPase required for semicircular canal formation and otolith growth in the zebrafish inner ear Shelly Cruz, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Bo-Kai Liao

bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(6)

2009-02-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 March 2009; Vol. 212, No. 6 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Echolocation by two foraging harbour porpoises (Phoc

bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(7)

2009-03-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 April 2009; Vol. 212, No. 7 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Acoustic scanning of natural scenes by echolocation

bioacoustic papers in JEB 212(8)

2009-03-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 April 2009; Vol. 212, No. 8 Biosonar adjustments to target range of echolocating bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in the wild F. H. Jensen, L. Bejder, M. Wahlberg, and P. T. Madsen

Bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(9)

2009-04-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 May 2009; Vol. 212, No. 9 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Adaptive echolocation behavior in bats for the analysi

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-04-23 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online: 7 June 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1664 Losses of female song with changes from tropical to temperate breeding in the Ne

Bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(10)

2009-05-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 May 2009; Vol. 212, No. 10 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Dolphins maintain cognitive performance during 72 t

Bioacoustics papers in Biol Letters

2009-05-12 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Biology Letters is available online: 23 June 2009; Vol. 5, No. 3 The beluga whale produces two pulses to form its sonar signal Marc O. Lammers and Manuel Castellote Biol Lett 2009;5 297-301 http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishin

Bioacoustic papers in JEB

2009-06-12 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 July 2009; Vol. 212, No. 13 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Hearing ability in three clownfish species Eri

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-06-26 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online: 7 August 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1668 The Table of contents

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-06-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 July 2009; Vol. 212, No. 14 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Inside JEB BATS SPOT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AND

bioacoustic paper in Biol Letters

2009-07-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Biology Letters is available online: 23 August 2009; Vol. 5, No. 4 The Table of contents below is available online at: Sonar-induced temporary hearing loss in dolp

bioacoustic papers in Proc B

2009-07-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online: 22 August 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1669 The Table of content

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-07-20 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 August 2009; Vol. 212, No. 15 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Song competition changes the brain

bioacoustic paper in ProcB

2009-08-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online: 22 September 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1671 Acoustic mate cop

bioacoustic papers in Biol Letters

2009-09-11 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Biology Letters is available online: 23 October 2009; Vol. 5, No. 5 The Table of contents below is available online at: Western scrub-jays conceal auditory information w

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online: 22 October 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1673 Tool use in wild orang-utans modifies sound production: a functionally dece

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 October 2009; Vol. 212, No. 19 Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture Stacy L. DeRuiter, Alexander Bahr, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Sabina Fobian Hansen, Jakob Høj

two (!) bioacoustic papers in JEB

2009-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Please ignore my previous post, there are two papers in the last JEB issue. Best, Jerome JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 October 2009; Vol. 212, No. 19 Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-10-03 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 October 2009; Vol. 212, No. 20 The below Table of Contents is available online at: Reproductive and diurnal rhythms regulate vocal

bioacoustics papers in JEB

2009-10-18 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 November 2009; Vol. 212, No. 21 Potential mechanism of sound production in Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) Nicolas Longrie, Sam Van Wassenbergh, Pierre Vandewalle, Quentin Mauguit, an

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-10-30 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online: 7 December 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1676 The Table of contents below is available online at: http:

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-10-30 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 November 2009; Vol. 212, No. 22 Vocal and anatomical evidence for two-voiced sound production in the greater sage-grouse Centrocercus urophasianus Alan H. Krakauer, Maura Tyrrell, Kenna

bioacoustic paper in Biol Letters

2009-11-11 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Biology Letters Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Biology Letters is available online: 23 December 2009; Vol. 5, No. 6 Stress, song and survival in sparrows S. A. MacDougall-Shackleton, L. Dindia, A. E. M. Newman, D. A. Potvin, K. A. Stewart, and E. A. MacDouga

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-11-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 December 2009; Vol. 212, No. 23 Vocally correlated seasonal auditory variation in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) K. S. Henry and J. R. Lucas J Exp Biol 2009;212 3817-3822

sound analysis with R

2009-11-16 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Dear all, I would like to draw your attention on the release of a new version of seewave, an R package dedicated to sound analysis. Since its first release almost 3 years ago, seewave has been significantly improved including now around 80 end-user functions. If you are interested and wish t

bioacoustics papers in JEB

2009-11-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 15 December 2009; Vol. 212, No. 24 Editorials Invertebrate sound and vibration Jérôme Casas, Michael D. Greenfield, Claudio R. Lazzari, Jérôme Sueur, and the organizing committee for ISV 2008 J

bioacoustic papers in JEB

2009-12-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online: 1 January 2010; Vol. 213, No. 1 The Table of Contents is available online at: Outside JEB WING WHISTLES WARN AND WORRY James Usher

bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2009-12-23 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Urban noise and the cultural evolution of bird songs David Luther and Luis Baptista Proc R Soc B 2010;277 469-473 Merry Christmas! Jerome -- __ Museum national d'Histoire natur

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