Re: [Bioc-devel] MRD measurements in Leukemic patients using NGS data in r

2020-03-08 Thread Tim Triche, Jr.
Hard to say why you got results if the ‘Homo.sapiens’ organismDb package was not installed! And a tiny bit disturbing. You will want to use BiocManager::install(“Homo.saliens”) to ensure the bits are in place (and if you don’t have BiocManager installed, you’ll want to fix that using

Re: [Bioc-devel] MRD measurements in Leukemic patients using NGS data in r

2020-03-08 Thread Tim Triche, Jr.
Absolutely true. Even better would be a workflow which is what I’ve started trying to “groom” students/people appealing for help into ;-) Is there a recommended way to segue this type of discussion to without losing context? I used to get emails from the site when I

Re: [Bioc-devel] MRD measurements in Leukemic patients using NGS data in r

2020-03-08 Thread Mulder, R
Dear Vincent, Maybe we can move the discussion retrospectively? At the moment it seems we are tweaking a few things of which the for last obstacle good be tackled thanks to you. The only remaining issue is that I cant get results for my genes of interest. In stead I keep getting the same

Re: [Bioc-devel] MRD measurements in Leukemic patients using NGS data in r

2020-03-08 Thread Vincent Carey
This has been a very interesting and illuminating dialogue but it really should be moved to so that a record is available to the general user community. The solution here > library(Homo.sapiens) Error in library(Homo.sapiens) : there is no package called ‘Homo.sapiens’

Re: [Bioc-devel] MRD measurements in Leukemic patients using NGS data in r

2020-03-08 Thread Mulder, R
Dear Tim, Thanks again for your (quick) reply. I just ran it on my computer and it gave me some results but also several errors. The first part went perfect > BamFiles <- BamFileList(lapply(list.files(pattern=".bam$"), BamFile)) > names(BamFiles) <-