
I've identified a few missing PWMs from the MotifDb package and would like to 
help get them added. I posted on the support page but have not received a 
response after 10 days, so messaging here instead (link to forum post: 
https://support.bioconductor.org/p/131312/). Full details can be found in the 
support post, but in summary, there are a small number of Drosophila 
transcription factors which do not have any entries in MotifDb, meaning anyone 
using that database for their motif analysis will not identify these factors as 
potential candidates. A .meme format file ("flyFactor_Missing_Motifdb.meme") of 
these missing motifs along with a reproducible script to identify these factors 
can be found at this gist: 
https://gist.github.com/snystrom/b7701858bec6bc4ce7758a7582422359. I am happy 
to help curate any additional metadata required to get these factors added to 
the database.


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