Dear All!

Just wanted to let you know that I just pushed the last changes to the 
ensembldb package (version 1.3.14) that allow an easier integration with 
non-Ensembl based annotation. In detail, I’ve implemented the seqlevelsStyle 
and seqlevelsStyle<- method from the GenomeInfoDb and now it’s possible to 
change the seqlevel style of an EnsDb object to e.g. “UCSC” which allows to use 
seqnames like chr1, chrX in the filters to fetch data from the EnsDb. Also, the 
returned GRanges objects have then UCSC style chromosome names.

However, there’s a problem with seqnames for which no mapping is available 
(i.e. not primary chromosomes). For now I’ve fixed that with the global option 
ensembldb.seqnameNotFound that allows to handle what is returned in such cases.

I hope some of you might find that new methodology helpful.

cheers, jo

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