We have recently repurposed the scRNAseq package to serve as a general location for any publicly available single-cell count data. The aim of this package is to provide convenient functions that directly yield nicely formatted SingleCellExperiment objects containing count matrices and relevant metadata, via BioC's ExperimentHub system for easy and rapid access anywhere in your computer. Our USP compared to other single-cell data packages is that we'll take anything - and, in fact, the more customized the original data is, the more we want it!

So, if you find an interesting public dataset that has been - ahem - "imaginatively" formatted by the original authors, we would welcome a contribution to the scRNAseq package to make the count data nice and pretty. This will save other members of the R/Bioconductor community from pulling their hair out (there's not much left!) if they want to make use of that data. Contribution guidelines are described in the scRNAseq vignette at http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/data/experiment/html/scRNAseq.html, and if you more-or-less follow the suggestions, we can do the rest pretty quickly.

So, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled datasets yearning to breathe free!

-A & D

Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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