
I’m running bird 1.6.3 on FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE.

I see many “I/O loop cycle” in my logs:
root@budic:~ # tail -F /var/log/messages | grep 'bird:'                         
                                Jan 12 15:53:30 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 
10101 ms for 4 events
Jan 12 15:54:30 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 10227 ms for 5 events
Jan 12 15:55:29 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 9270 ms for 4 events
Jan 12 15:56:28 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 9101 ms for 6 events
Jan 12 15:57:30 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 10187 ms for 7 events
Jan 12 15:58:28 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 9315 ms for 3 events
Jan 12 15:59:28 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 9273 ms for 3 events
Jan 12 16:00:29 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 9170 ms for 3 events
Jan 12 16:01:29 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 9064 ms for 3 events
Jan 12 16:02:29 budic bird: I/O loop cycle took 9561 ms for 7 events

By reading http://bird.network.cz/?get_doc&v=16&f=bird-3.html I don’t
understand very well what that means.

I tried to disable the two BGP sessions where I receive the IPv4
fullview (I was still receiving it via iBGP during this time) but it
didn’t change anything.

Also, I don’t see the router droping packet nor routes; I just see the
message in the logs.

What can I do to avoid it? (other than increasing the timeout)


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