Hi all,

14 stalwart birders met Blake Mann and I at the SCNWA parking lot at 7:00 am. There was a heavy dew and most of us got our feet wet walking to the 'former' tower. We saw a family of Pied-billed Grebe, several Least and heard one American Bittern, many Marsh Wren and Common Yellowthroat, a few Swamp Sparrow, 1 Green Heron, 4 Black and several Forster's Tern.

The return walk produced a Common Moorhen and a co-operative pair of Yellow-billed Cuckooin the parking area. We drove on to PPNP, making a short pitstop at Tilbury Tim Horton's (must be the busiest in the country). Birds seen 'en route' included Ring-necked Pheasant, Am.Kestrel and Horned Lark.

From the parking lot (our most productive habitat?) of DeLaurier trail we saw 2 Black-billed Cuckoo, disappointingly we could found no chat, but did see Baltimore and Orchard Oriole, House and Carolina Wren and Indigo Bunting as we walked part of Ander's and then the main trail. We lunched at Pioneer picnic area to the 'sound of music' - a Wood Thrush and were rewarded with 4 Common Loon and a 'breeding' plumaged Horned Grebe, by walking out to the west beach.

We stopped at Wheatley for 4 gull sp. and at SW Ont. Reg. Centre in Dealtown to find E.Meadowlark and Bobolink before finishing the trip at Blenheim SL, where ~10 Ruddy Duck,1 Redhead and 2 Black Duck brought our 'day list' to 80 - we were all sated and I hope satisfied with our 9 hours of birding in the hot sun. Cheers! Maris

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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