Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

June 27, 2019

The FRANKLIN’S GULL at Britannia Point and vicinity was last seen on the 21

The region has now settled into the summer doldrums, weatherwise and
birdwise, and will probably stay that way until the first hints of fall
migration, which are likely 4 weeks away.

Mostly the usual species are on the nesting grounds. Some of the scarcer
species this week included:

1.      2 TRUMPETER SWANS were on Dunrobin Lake on the 26th.

2.      The YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO continues on Dobson lane as of the 26th,

3.      The RED-HEADED WOODPECKER continues in Constance bay as of the 26th.

4.      OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHERS were at Mer Bleue and Beckett Creek Bird
Sanctuary on the 21st.

5.      The YELLOW-THROATED VIREO were on Huntmar was there until at least
the 25th.

6.      A few BONAPARTE’S GULLS were at Britannia as late as the 22nd.

7.      A SANDHILL CRANE was at Rideau River PP on the 21st.

8.      LEAST BITTERNS continue on the Jock River near Carleton place.
There were also 2 at Baie Mclaurin.

9.      A NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD was near Munster on the 26th.

10.  A LINCOLN’S SPARROW near Richmond on the 21st, not a usual location
for this time of year.

*Reminder: *

*Due to the earlier flooding, DND has removed access to **the Shirley’s Bay
Causeway** until it is safe again. There are no updates on this situation
yet.  *

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
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