Good morning all:

We have recently started a Barn Swallow project and I am hoping you can help me 
out.  Please could you forward this to your members or distribution list or 
really anyone you think might be interested?  Thank you for your time!

Have you ever seen a Barn Swallow mud nest cup attached to a house, shed, or 
barn?  Then please consider reporting it to the new Barn Swallow NestWatch 
project! Birds Studies Canada needs your nest information to help us understand 
this special and entertaining bird!   It only takes a few minutes to fill in 
our online form ( and provide simple yet critical 
information on the nesting structure type and surrounding habitat.

If you have Barn Swallows nesting near you and would like to monitor the 
progress of the nest, please visit the Barn Swallow NestWatch website 
( for more information.

Although Barn Swallows are still fairly common, their numbers are decreasing 
rapidly across Canada; however, the reasons for the decline are not well 

To learn more about the program contact Kristyn Richardson at<> or 519-586-3531 
ext 127.

Kristyn Richardson, Stewardship Biologist
Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160, 115 Front Street
Port Rowan, Ontario  N0E1M0
Phone:  (519) 586-3531 ext. 127
Toll Free: (888) 448-2473 ext. 127<>
(posted by Kathy Jones<> with permission of 
the ontbirds coordinator).
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to
For information about ONTBIRDS visit

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