Hi Birders,

A first-alternate male Blue Grosbeak has been coming to the feeders of Rita and 
Ron Christie at 6494 Line 19, Fullarton since April 18th, first found by the 
home owner Rita Christie. We viewed the bird 3 times between 11 and 12 today.

He's pretty skittish, so patience is definitely required. The landowners are 
asking people park on the road and WALK in to the house. Please be respectful 
and courteous. 

Viewing from a distance will definitely increase the likelihood of it coming to 
feeders as it seemed quite skittish.

Directions: from Mitchell, head south on Blanchard Street (County Road 23) and 
then turn right (west) onto County Road 20 at the town of Russeldale. Take the 
second right onto Road 168 and then a quick left onto 19 Line and the house is 
on your right. Please park on the road and walk down the laneway. The bird 
landed in the crab apple tree beside the house a couple of times before 
visiting the green feeder closest to the house.

Josh and Mike will both post some photos on their blogs later tonight.

Good birding,
Barb Charlton, Josh Vandermeulen, Erica Barkley, and Mike and Ken Burrell
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