Hi there,

Today (4 May) at 1045 hrs, I heard and observed a Yellow-throated Vireo
during my hike at Meisel Woods Conservation Area. It was singing from some
oaks along the perimeter of the conservation area on North Anderson Rd.
roughly 50 m S of the main parking lot. A male Black-throated Blue Warbler
and a single Least Flycatcher were also present in the C.A. (among many
other landbird migrants). Earlier in the day I surveyed Perth Wildlife
Reserve and tallied 55 species. Highlights include: 9 species of warbler, a
small flock of Rusty Blackbirds, and a single Wood Thrush, Great Crested
Flycatcher, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

eBird checklist for Meisel Woods C.A.:

eBird checklist for Perth Wildlife Reserve.:

Good birding,
Jon Ruddy
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